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The UWM Peace Studies Resource Institute is run by Dr. Ian M. Harris of the Department of Educational Policy and Community Studies

For more information about Dr. Harris check his resume

Certificate Program in Peace Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

  • Peace Studies Certificate Program Curriculum
  • Quotes on peace
  • Links to other peace action networks
  • Friends of Peace Studies Resource Institute
    HI! I'm Jill Sternberg. While working at the Milwaukee Chapter of the Mobilization for Survival, I completed my Bachelor degree in PEACE STUDIES at UWM! I went from there to Notre Dame University and completed a one year graduate scholarship program m in Peace Studies. I then was awarded a position with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in New York City. After 15 months I accepted a position with the International Fellowship of Reconciliationin Amsterdam, Holland wh ere I traveled extensively teaching peace studies around the world. They say - "Join the Army - travel and meet people around the world", I say TEACH PEACE

    Created by Tim Ruf and Natasha Mansur-Ruf, November 15, 1995 (c)1995 Peace Studies Resource Institute UW-Milwaukee.