College of Letters and Sciences
Department of Slavic Languages
The Department is located in Curtin Hall 829
(3217 N. Downer Avenue, Milwaukee)
For more information stop by the department, or call (414) 229-4948.
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About the Department of Slavic Languages
The Slavic Languages Department at the UWM currently teaches
Russian and Polish at the UWM campus, located in a quiet,
attractive residential neighborhood overlooking Lake Michigan.
The Department offers a Major in Russian and the elementary
courses which satisfy the Letters & Science foreign language
requirement and the language component of the Russian and
East European Certificate program. The department also works
in conjunction with the School of Education in providing training
for those interested in secondary school teaching of Russian.
Russian Studies at UWM
The Russian Major at UWM consists of 26 credits in Russian-language courses above the second-year level. The usual way of satisfying this requirement is to take courses in advanced language, linguistics, and literature. This typically includes:
I. Language courses (14 cr)
II. Linguistic courses (4 cr)
III. Literature Courses (6 cr)
The Russian Minor requires 18 course credits; 12 credit must be in groups I and II above, and 6 credits in literature, either 235 and 236 (literature surveys in English translation), or the courses in III above.
Study in Russia is available in a number of forms: UWM is part of a consortium of UW campuses which sponsors an annual two-week study- tour to Russia in the spring. Language study is not a requirement for this trip, and the trip is open to the Milwaukee community at large. UWM students can study in Russia for a summer semester, or year through other university programs.
Polish Studies at UWM
The core of the Polish language program is a two-year language sequence of beginning and intermediate Polish. This course sequence satisfies the L & S Foreign language requirement. The study of advanced Polish and of literature is also available in the department.
The department sponsors an annual five-week Summer Study Program at the Catholic University in Lublin, Poland. This five-credit program provides up to 125 hour of Polish language at beginning, intermediate or advanced levels, as well as additional lectures and excursions. UWM students can study in Poland for a semester or year through other university programs.
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Last modified February 21, 1996.