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MenWeb - M.E.N. Magazine

A Whole Internet Catalog Top 50 Site
A Lycos 500 Site

This Web site is created and maintained by The WhiteRock Alternative Berthoff@wLn.com and sponsored by Seattle M.E.N., the Men's Evolvement Network. Web Audit

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Expanded scope, National Advisory Board - see Message From the Webmaster

The mission of Seattle M.E.N. is to provide information, support and advocacy for men. Click here to see MenWeb's statement of purpose and guidelines.

Guide to MenWeb follows the menu choices listed below. To select a choice on the menu, click on the Men's Room Sign (Not THIS Men's Room sign, this is just to show you what it looks like!)

National Calendar | Men's Stories | Articles | Poetry | Where Are We Going? | Promise Keepers | Books, Tapes | Humor | Local Calendar | Resources | Your Questions Answered | Internet Links

About M.E.N. Magazine

Message From the WebMaster.

National Calendar of Men's Events

Men's stories


Poetry page

Where are we Going? Articles on the future direction of the Men's Movement, intended to stimulate discussion

The Promise Keepers and Men's Work Our July 1995 issue is devoted to issues around The Promise Keeper, described as a nondenominational, multiracial organization committed to training men how to be responsible to God, to their wives and children, to their churches and to each other or, according to The Washington Post, "a conservative Christian revival movement challenging feminism, gay rights and major aspects of liberal society."

Letters to the Editor


Books, audio tapes and videotapes to help you.


What's happening in the Seattle area

Resources. A listing of trainings, groups, and other resources to support you on your journey.

Your Questions Answered. Why are men the way they are? Are you the only one who feels the way you do? We invite you to submit your questions. Stefan Schleisinger of Men's Counseling Center Northwest will answer your questions on-line, for the benefit of yourself and the other readers of MenWeb.

How can I be a part of this?

Other Internet resources

What you are looking at now is a "magark" - a combination meta-magazine and on-line magazine archive. It was created and is maintained by The Whiterock Alternative, and sponsored by Seattle M.E.N., publishers of M.E.N. Magazine. Our monthly hardcopy magazine has 5-8 articles and 3 poems. This meta-magazine has lots more. This magark is also an easily-accessible archive - not of everythig we've ever printed, but of selected key articles that people might want to go back to, and basic information about "Men's Work" for someone who is curious about all this stuff, or for a man just starting to get into this work. For example, we will keep on-line book reviews of some of the all-time best books in the area, for the person who wants to read something in this area, or wants to find a book on how to start a men's group.

Traditional Internet archives keep documents in a compressed format. You get to guess their contents from a filename and short description. Then you download it. If you're lucky, it's what you wanted. This is not very accessible or user-friendly, for most of us. This magark keeps the documents handy on-line. Just click on the listing for somethig you're interested in, and the full text appears.

There are on-line cartoons and graphics, as well. Pictures of the authors. But no drumming (yet!) Oops! If you're using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, you heard drumming as the page opened! Maybe someday you'll click on a picture of a drum, and hear a sanghara rhythm from Africa. Or maybe even on-line drumming lessons. After all, that's what Men's Work is all about, isn't it?

Maybe not. The "real" Men's Work is done by men in small groups, all across North America. The men's gatherings and wildman retreats that have garnered media attention (and mockery)are valuable for the participants, but they don't really reflect what's going on. Explore these pages to get a feel for what all this "men's stuff" is all about.

Every article, poem, cartoon or "page" has options at the bottom. Click on the highlighted text and you can go back to the Home page, the Articles Page, the Humor Page, or whatever.

Let us know what you think.

Email to the Editor

Berthoff@wLn.com(MenWeb comments)

Snail mail

M.E.N. Magazine Editorial Office

7552 31st Ave. N.E.

Seattle WA 98115

This magark originated with a generous loan from Norm Dorland, then President of the Board of Seattle M.E.N. We received valuable assistance and support from Paul A. Vixie at vix.com and from David Throop, creator of the première Men's Issues Web site, http://www.vix.com/pub/men/index.html. Paul has also provided a Web site for F.R.E.E., the Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the presumption that no single gender has a lock on loving, caring parenthood and as such, parenting is a 50/50 proposition, even after divorce. As such, both fathers and mothers should share equally in the parenting and support of their children.

Except for signed articles, stories and poems, all material Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996 by Bert H. Hoff. The authors retain the copyright to all signed pieces.