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The Internet PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the
discussion and
analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both
and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond.
include a wide range of telecommunications,
information/database collection
and sharing, and related issues, as pertains to the privacy concerns
individuals, groups, businesses, government, and society at large.
manners in which both the legitimate and the controversial
concerns of
business and government interact with privacy considerations are
also topics
for the digest.
The PRIVACY Forum is supported in part by the
ACM (Association
for Computing Machinery) Committee on Computers and
Public Policy, "internetMCI" (a service of the Data
Services Division of MCI
Telecommunications Corporation),
and Cisco Systems, Inc. These
organizations do not
operate or control the PRIVACY Forum in any manner, and their support
does not imply agreement on their part with nor responsibility for
any materials posted on or related to the PRIVACY Forum.
Except when unusual events warrant exceptions, digest
publication is
limited to no more than one or two reasonably-sized digests per
week. Given
the size of the Internet, this may often necessitate that only a
percentage of overall submissions may ultimately be presented in
the digest.
Submission volume also makes it impossible for unpublished
submissions to be
routinely acknowledged. Other mailing lists, with less stringent
policies, may be more appropriate for readers who prefer a higher
volume of
messages regarding these issues.
The goal of PRIVACY Forum is to present a high quality electronic publication which can act as a significant resource to both individuals and organizations who are interested in these issues. The digest is best viewed as similar in focus to a journal or other specialized publication. The moderator will choose submissions for inclusion based on their relevance and content.
All messages included in the digest represent the views of their individual
authors and all messages submitted must be appropriate to be distributable
without limitations.
The PRIVACY Forum moderator on the way to the office.
The PRIVACY Forum is moderated by Lauren Weinstein of Vortex Technology (, in Woodland Hills, California, U.S.A. He has been active regarding a wide range of issues involving technology and society in the ARPANET/Internet community since the early 1970's.
The Forum also has an "advisory committee" consisting of three individuals who have offered to act as a "sounding board" to help with any questions of policy which might arise in the course of the Forum's operations. These persons are Peter Neumann of SRI International (the moderator of the excellent and renowned Internet RISKS Forum digest), Marc Rotenburg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), and Willis Ware of RAND (one of the U.S.A.'s most distinguished champions of privacy issues).
The names and e-mail addresses of subscribers to the PRIVACY Forum mailing list are private (naturally).
Following is information regarding operational procedures for the PRIVACY Forum.
All messages sent to which are not obviously only meant for the moderator or are not marked for non-publication will be assumed to be submitted for the digest.
To subscribe, send a message to:
with a line in the BODY of the message of the form:
subscribe privacy <your full name>
where <your full name> is your actual name, not your e-mail address (your e-mail address is determined automatically by listserv). Also please note that the subscribe command must be in the BODY of your message, not in the "Subject:" field; the "Subject:" field of all messages to listserv is ignored.
subscribe privacy Dr. Sidney Schaefer
Please note that the "subscribe" command is used to create your own individual subscription to the PRIVACY Forum mailing list. Site managers who wish to establish site-wide local redistribution mailing lists for PRIVACY Forum should contact a human at:
and provide the requested local redistribution mailing list address and any other details. Individuals who wish to subscribe directly to PRIVACY Forum (not to a local redistribution mailing list) should *not* contact "" unless they are having problems with the automatic listserv "subscribe" command.
To unsubscribe from the PRIVACY Forum mailing list, follow the same procedure as above for individual subscriptions, but send the command:
unsubscribe privacy
in the BODY of your message instead of the "subscribe" command. Once again, this only applies to individual subscriptions, other unsubscription requests (e.g. to remove local redistribution mailing lists from the PRIVACY Forum master list) should be done by sending the address you want to unsubscribe to a human at:
To remove yourself from a local redistribution mailing list, please contact your appropriate local mailing list manager.
index privacy
in the BODY of your message.
To retrieve a particular item from the archive, send the command:
get privacy <file>
in the BODY of your message, where <file> is replaced by the name of the particular item of interest.
For example, to retrieve the first PRIVACY Forum digest:
get privacy priv.01.01
Please note that only the first command in any message you send to the listserv system will be processed. Any subsequent commands in a single message will be ignored.
For more information regarding the listserv system, follow the same command procedure described above, but send the command:
in the BODY of your message.
All PRIVACY Forum materials can also be obtained through the Internet Gopher system via a gopher server on site "".
PRIVACY Forum Archive full listing