(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
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Adventure Planning Service
- In Japanese
- A group oriented to interactive writing. Combines nice graphics, a sound resource, and text based materials to introduce browsers to the usage of the news group.
Amber Alternative, The
- Behold, cool Amber Diceless RPG stuff. Beware: this is NOT standard Amber.
Anders Mage Page
ARIA Worlds & Roleplaying
- ARIA Worlds and Roleplaying, which focuses on interactive history and the environment where personas play
- A archive dedicated to Swedish roleplaying games. Currently only in swedish.
Bryant's Roleplaying Page
- Reviews, source material, and the like. Some of it is written by me, some by other people. I screen for quality, and I accept submissions.
Citadel of the Silver Adept
- home of the Gamers' Directory, a world-wide directory of role playing gamers.
Empire of the Petal Throne
Endless Stair, The
- New source material for the Earthdawn game. Tread with caution...
Eternal Soldier
- A universal role playing system.
Fantasy Realms RPG/APA Journal
Fantasy-related pictures - ftp site (
- Federation Sim Group (FSG) is an online role playing group that has been doing Star Trek Simulations for years.
- Information about Greg Stafford"s fantasy world of Glorantha, setting for the games RuneQuest and Dragon Pass.
Grandeur Nature
- In French.
Harn FRP gaming system
Havoc Headquarters
- Visit the ever-evolving information center for litterature, arts and games, all on a guided tour by the HHQ employees. The place to look if you like fanfiction and RPG's, too.
Heaven's RPG and Card Games
Heavy Gear
- science fiction gaming universe by Dream Pod 9.
Helmet's Hall
Japanese Culture (for role playing games)
- Trivial materials about Japanese culture. Not an academic study but supplementary resources for role playing games.
Kingdom of Eclipse
- Visit this RPG Kingdom. Great for D&D, M:TG, AD&D, and freedom from stats RPGers. Apply for citizenship now!
La Page de Nibor
- My page contains some information on MTG and on a Dongeons live. Come visit me.
Land of Devastation Files Page
- Where other BBS Sysops can find the files necessary to run the Land of Devastation.
Leanthar's Realm
- Links to AD&D sites, gaming companies and cool web programs. Detailed information on worlds that I GM. Much more...
Legends of Future Past
Legolas RPG Index, The
- resource for roll playing gamers.
- an effort to create a comprehensive role playing game (RPG) system which is available for free via the World Wide Web. This new release is Netscape 2.0 enhanced with tables, rendered graphics, and JavaScript!
Macquarie University Role Playing Society (MURPS)
- Home of MURPS and MaquarieCon
Magic Guild of New Vane, The
- dedicated to video games and RPGs.
Morph's Main RPG Page
Mystical Realm of Asgard
- A guild within the confines of AT&T's Imagination Network - Medievaland.
Palladium RPG Page
- Resource for all Palladium games.
Paolo Marcucci's Shadowrun Archive
- a games for lovers. Brings back romance and adventure in your life.
Path Less Taken
- Hearth and home to free form role play, with link to Lands of Midian.
Pit of Despair
- Gaming reviews, corporate info, game enhancements (designed by players), links to other good RPG sites.
PlainLabel HQ
- Role Playing System and all games based on it, as published by Plaid Rabbit Productions.
Queue's Game Site
- Dedicated to bringing you the best in RPG game reviews, demo game downloads, 3D action games, adventure games and extreme Screenshots.
RAGE?'s RPG Page
Role Playing Games
- Webchat Broadcasting System Channel
Role Playing News
- All the Role-playing that we can afford to xerox.
Role-Playing Games []
- Christopher Paul on Role-Playing Games: GURPS, Mekton Zeta, more.
RPG Gopher
RPG Page, The
- Here you can get a copy of The AD&D Netbook Of Sex as well as my homemade charactersheets for D&D and a simple PostScript-program that will print hexpapers for you!
Sanctum Hermeticum
- created to explore concepts in the game Ars Magica and the realm of Mythic Europe.
StarHawk's RPG Links
Strands - An Earthdawn Page
- Very useful game aids, ideas, character sheets, bestiary, and much more!
Störtebekers Logbuch
- German Language Fanzine for phantasy and science fiction games
Swedish Roleplaying Games
- information and their history.
Sythe Star Empire
- IF zou are interested in class one SIMMing, the Szthe Empire is the place to be!
Theala Sildorian's Unofficial Champions Page
- dedicated solely to the playing of Champions and other Hero System Games.
Tree, The
- The Tree is a world for any Role Playing System, but created to best suit Rolemaster and MERP.
Tunes's RPG
- Several online DM's Aid.ANSI C source code for both on line an offline Dungeon Design aids.
Twilighters, The (DC-Heroes campaign)
- RPG Fluff and campaign notes, relating to a DC-Heroes campaign with a Cthulhu backdrop in a dark future
Tyger's Role-Playing Page
- A launch point for several role-playing companies online, as well as Cyberpunk rule modifications on the way!
Ultimate Fantasy Page
Virtual Virtual Reality RPG
- If you're into Virtual Reality or RPG's with multiple ways to play. Included is rules for playing vvr inside a palladium universe, and playing with yourself as a character.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Weaving, The
- is a site dedicated to playtesting Phantasm, a roleplaying game of magic in the modern world
World Design, Glorantha, and RuneQuest Page
- Official archive site of the Glorantha Digest, the RuneQuest Rules Digest, and the World Design Digest, other links of interest to rolegamers and fans of fantastic literature.
World Weavers
- A interactive USENET/EMAIL based RPG club with a range of formats.
FAQ - Earthdawn Mailing List
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