(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
What is YorkWeb?
YorkWeb is the University of York's World Wide Web information service which
provides details on a wide range of topics relevant to students and staff
throughout the University. In addition, it contains information for visitors,
potential students and industrial and commercial contacts.
Browsers from outside York
We have put much information of specific interest to anyone not currently at
the University of York within the first section entitled
General Information.
For example, if you are interested in applying to become a student at York,
please make sure you look at this section.
Browsers within the University
With the exception of the General Information section, information on YorkWeb
has been geared to the needs of those currently studying or working at the
If your department or section currently has little information on the Web, why
not consider providing some ? A special Web account needs to be set up for use
by departmental information providers, so if you
would like to contribute information, please contact the Computing Service
Information Desk (Email:, tel: 3838) in the first instance.
Links across the world
World Wide Web here at York links in to other Web servers throughout the world,
giving you quick and easy access to information right across the globe. Each
screen of information which you see contains highlighted words or pictures
known as hyperlinks. When these links are selected, you are taken straight to
other sources of information, which could be text but are equally likely to be
pictures, sound or even video, each of which can be in a different part of the
Further information about the Web
Usage statistics for YorkWeb
If you are curious to find out how many people use YorkWeb, look at our
usage statistics
Providing information on YorkWeb
HTML guides
Guides for departmental information providers at York
Although every attempt has been made to ensure that the information on YorkWeb is
accurate, the University accepts no liability for the consequences of
any inaccuracies .