The New York Times on the Web
Now a simple registration process gives you free access to all the news that's fit to print --electronically. In addition to all the print articles from the paper, you get CyberTimes, a special section focusing on technology and the Internet. There are also forums in which you can discuss burning issues with fellow readers and newspaper staff. And yes, puzzle fans can play an interactive version of the famous crossword.
U.S. News Online
Along with the text and visual content of U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News Online also keeps you informed of breaking news. A baby boomers' clock commemorates that generation as it turns 50. There are also clocks that tick off the state of the rain forests, national debt, crime, and population. Photo essays, opinions, and links to other news sources round out U.S. News Online's offerings.
CNN Interactive The cable television giant that brought you the Larry King/Marlon Brando kiss and kept Sadaam Hussein up to date during the Persian Gulf War is now one of the Web's finest multimedia news sources. With its new T3 connection, this busy site allows you to navigate easily through the day's top events and images or delve into past CNN stories via a keyword search tool. The most impressive feature, however, is the video vault, which covers everything from sports highlights to entertainment news.
Electronic Telegraph You no longer have to be outside a rainy London Tube stop to read The Telegraph. This HTML version of the renowned British newspaper offers not only features, sports, and dismal weather forecasts for the United Kingdom but stellar international stories as well. Its coverage of Europe, Asia, and the Pacific has a perspective that most myopic American services fail to provide. While the rest of the U.S. is eating hot dogs and watching 'A Current Affair,' you can sit down with tea and crumpets and launch your browser.
ESPNet SportsZone Since the advent of ESPNet, you are no longer a slave to the 900 numbers that dole out sports scores over the phone. Although you'll have to pay for full service, ESPNet offers all the perks of its cable TV cousin: scores, stories, stats, schedules, standings, video, and sound. Whether Ken Griffey is watching a ball sail into the upper deck or Gary Kasparov is moving pawn to rook 4, the SportsZone always supplies both updates and analysis.
The Gate If you can pull yourself away from ESPNet long enough to realize that San Francisco is more than Barry Bonds, The Gate offers on-line versions of two papers by the Bay: the Chronicle and the Examiner. Each maintains unique layouts, graphics, and fonts while providing impeccable news, sports, and editorials. While gourmands peruse the Bay Area Dining Guide, computer enthusiasts will enjoy the recurring Silicon Valley Report. The Valley is ecstatic now that the city's ballpark is named for a router rather than a candlestick.
Nando Times Raleigh's The News and Observer has yet to become a household name in journalistic circles, but its site has gained great popularity both in and out of North Carolina. Although it serves up strong local, national, and international news, many users come for the sports. Nando provides professional stories, stats, and photos matched only by ESPNet, but much of its coverage focuses on such local colleges as Duke and NC State. Nothing could be finer than to be in virtual Carolina.
Time Magazine Pathfinder, Time Warner's Internet server, contains an enormous array of political, business, and entertainment info, including complete electronic access to the newsmagazine that has been on coffee tables since 1923. Time Magazine provides the latest domestic and international editions, two years of past issues, and a few features not found in the print magazine. The most welcome feature is Time Daily, which boasts the best late-breaking news on the Web: sharp headlines, terse articles, photos, and links to related stories. Time has become timely.
USA Today The Web and USA Today are a pairing that rivals Tracy and Hepburn. The vivid pages, splashy photographs, and pithy text of the publication known affectionately as McPaper fit perfectly into the Web's colorful, staccato feel. The familiar Life, Money, and Sports sections still keep you up to date on Anna Nicole Smith's whereabouts, Disney's ever-expanding empire, and Dan Dierdorf's latest faux pas on 'Monday Night Football.' You also get Cyberlistings, a guide to the newest in hip Internet sites and on-line chats.
The Wall Street Journal Money and Investing Update With a laptop, wireless modem, and the URL for The Wall Street Journal Money and Investing Update, you could become the most informed trader on the stock market floor. This slick, information-rich site gives you access to reams of company and market news, including coverage of currencies, credit markets, and mutual funds. Stories contain hyperlinks to detailed company profiles offering financial overviews, stock performances, and news. Ivan Boesky never had such advantages.