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SU AMS/CGR Web Server

Digital Art Endeavors and Other Artistic Experiences

Here's a quicktime movie (840K) of the Art Media Studies-Computer Graphics Logo.
Movie contributed by: Neil Herzinger, Syracuse University, naherzin@mailbox.syr.edu

This is a Digital Art Experience presented to you by Syracuse University's College of Visual and Performing Arts, Art Media Studies-Computer Graphics program. This Web Server facilitates the collaboration between artists and others individuals located across the Internet. This server is always changing so watch for new developments!

CGR Collaborative Internet Art Projects

chainReaction logo
ChainReaction Diversive Paths Digital Journeys ChainArt Project
Sum/Fall 1995 Spring 1995 Spring 1994Spring 1993

Computer Graphics Student Art Projects

grad projects icon
CGR Graduate Projects

Computer Graphics Courses Documented On-line

Virtual Environments and Art
Fall 1995

Festivals We Are Involved With

NY State Media Festival - April 12-13th at Syracuse University

Presentations Off Campus

World Wide Web Design - a lecture presented by Bonnie Mitchell at SIGGRAPH 95 and RIT.
Collaboration and Design on the WWW - a lecture presented by Bonnie Mitchell at RIT.

Links to the World!

Links to other interesting art sites on the WWW.
The World Wide Web has many more great things to offer!
The Yahoo Directory is also a great place to find things.

Send comments and suggestions to Bonnie Mitchell - bonniem@mailbox.syr.edu
last updated (10/29/95)