Welcome to ECSDG!
This server presents (among other things) results from
EkonomiCentrum Software Development Group, but here are
some bits of information such as documents, software and more.
På svenska tack!
Information at ECSDG
Click yourself to the kind of information you want below.
Information through Programs
Here are links to programs that will provide you with
information of all kinds. Often, they are so called CGI
(Common Gateway Interface) programs.
Information through Documents
Links to some interesting documents and general information.
Information from Archives
Fetch the kind of information you need: documents and software from
the local computer as well as from remote ones.
Information about WWW
Information about software, protocols, HTML etc.
Information in Swedish
All kinds of Swedish material (help-docs, software, guides etc.)
Transfer Statistics for ecsdg.lu.se
EkonomiCentrum Software Development Group
, <support@ecsdg.lu.se>
Johan Svensson,