In the directory of undergraduate handouts you find handouts,
and class projects.
You find also several MODSIM programs:
Msing.mod - object attributes, methods, instances
Mmonit.mod - variable monitoring
Mrnd.mod - random number generation
Mstat.mod - using StatObj for monitoring
Mgroup0.mod - simple/flawed queue application
Mgroup.mod - queue application with inheritance
Msgroup.mod - statistic queue application with Dsgroup1.mod / Isgroup1.mod library
Mrunway1.mod - a simple simulation (no graphics)
Mrunway2.mod - only graphics
Mrunway3.mod - simulation with graphics and user interface
air.sg2 - SIMDRAW graphics resource file
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Andrew J. Kornecki
Last modified: Wednesday, 07-Feb-96 10:13:48 EST