The INNOBUILD project includes an architectural ideas competition for
retrofitting apartment buildings to improve energy efficiency, related
specifically to central and eastern Europe; and a range of new design and
construction aids, each targeted at a specific sector (i.e. architects,
engineers, builders, planners) and consisting of drawing board aids, design and
construction guidelines and appropriate regional data. The project will prepare
and disseminate teachers' Resource Packs in support of energy conservation topics
at undergraduate level and aimed at building engineers as well as architects,
designed to be of support in the various European curricula and prepare a poster
exhibition entitled Energy-Conscious Architecture, which will illustrate energy
issues and design solutions contained in a representative range of recent
European buildings of high architectural quality. A further smaller contract was
won by ERG with a Bulgarian collaborator recently to extend the scope of the
existing INNOBUILD project to include parallel activities in Bulgaria and some
other Eastern European States.
Resource Guide
An annotated, bibliographic listing of publications, software packages and design tools
on energy-efficient building Version 2.6.2 for Apple Macintosh, 757 Kb