Amos's WWW links page
Always under construction !
This is a preliminary version, please refrain from sending me any
feedback until this page becomes 'official' (somewhere in mid-March).
Work related
ExPASy - Of course most of what I need is already available from there !
Protein and associated topics databases
- SWISS-PROT - SWISS-PROT annotated protein sequence db
- PROSITE - Dictionary of protein sites and patterns
- PRINTS - Protein Motif fingerprint db
- ProDom - Protein domain db
- SBASE - SBASE domain db
- YEPD - Yeast protein db
- O-GLYCBASE - O-glycosylation sites db
Protein 3D structure and associated topics databases
- PDB - Protein Data Bank
- SWISS-3DIMAGE - 3D images of proteins and other biological macromolecules
- SCOP - Structural classification of proteins
Protein 2D gel servers
Nucleotide and associated topics databases
- EMBL - EMBL Nucleotide sequence db (EBI)
- GSDB - Genomic Sequence db
- Vector db - Vector sequence db
- NDB - Nucleic Acid Databank (3D structures)
- RDP - Ribosomal db Project
- sRNA db - Small RNA db
- SSU rRNA - Small ribosomal subunit db
- LSU rRNA - Large ribosomal subunit db
- uRNADB - uRNA db
- RNAmod db - RNA modification db
- MPDB - Molecular probe db
- PCR - PCR primers db
- IMGT - ImMunoGeneTics db
- CUTG - Codon usage db
Species specific databases
- OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
- GDB - Genome Data Base
- UniGene - Human transcripts in GenBank
- Chr9 - Human chromosome 9 db
- 11DB - Human chromosome 11 db
- Search 13 - Human chromosome 13 db
- HGC Chr22 - Human genome center for chromosome 22
- OMIA - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals
- MGD - Mouse genome db
- RatMAP - Rat genome db
- DGP - Dog Genome Project
- BOVMAP - Bovine genome db
- ChickBASE - Chicken genome db
- The fish net - Zebrafish server
- AceDb - Caenorhabditis elegans db
- FlyBase - Drosophila genetic and molecular db
- FlyView - Drosophila image db
- GIFTS - Gene interactions in the Fly db
- Mosquito Genomics
- AtDB - Arabidopsis thaliana db
- MaizeDb - Maize genome db
- Soybase - Soybean genome db
- SWISS-PROT Yeast list - The 'yeast' file is linked to WWW sites and to all protein sequences for S.cerevisiae
- SGD - Saccharomyces genome db
- SWISS-PROT E.coli list - The 'ecoli' file is linked to WWW sites and to all protein sequences for E.coli
- ECDC - E.coli db collection
- EcoCyc - E.coli genes and metabolism
- GenProtEC - E.coli genes and gene products
- SWISS-PROT B.subtilis list - The 'subtilis' file is linked to WWW sites and to all protein sequences for B.subtilis
- NRSub - Bacillus subtilis non-redundant db
- MadBase - Microbial advanced db (B.subtilis)
- SWISS-PROT H.influenzae list - The 'haeinflu' file is linked to WWW sites and to all protein sequences for H.influenzae
- HIDC - H.influenzae db collection
- MycDB - Mycobacterium db
- M.leprae - GTC (CRI) Mycobacterium leprae data
- Cyanobase - Synechocystis PCC 6803 db
- HIV - HIV and related species db
- Sander's virology links - links to all the Virology servers by David M. Sander
Gene(s)/protein(s) specific databases
- AAA - AAA family of ATPases server
- Cytokines Web - Structure and function of cytokines and their receptors
- Cytokine - Cytokine server
- Globin - Beta-like globin gene cluster server
- ENZYME - Enzyme nomenclature database
- ESTHER - Esterases and alpha/beta hydrolase enzymes
- HAMSTeRS - Factor VIII mutations db
- GRBase - Gene Regulation db
- GCRDb - G protein coupled receptor db
- GPCRDB - G protein coupled receptor db (7TM) at EMBL
- Histones - Histones db and 3D fold
- P450 - Directory of P450-containing systems
- PAHdb - PAH Mutations db
- REBASE - Restriction enzymes and methylases
- SPAD - Signaling pathway db
- SRPDB - Signal Recognition Particle db
- TRANSFAC - Transcription factor db
- DCB - Dictionary of cell biology
Biological journals Web servers
- SWISS-PROT journals list - The 'jourlist' file provides direct links to most biological journals home pages
- AP - Academic Press
- ASM - American Soc. Microbiol. (Inf. Immun., J. Bacteriol., AEM, J. Virol., etc.)
- Cell - Cell Press (Cell, Immunity, Neuron)
- CSHL - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (Genes Dev., Genome Res.)
- CUP - Cambridge University Press (Prot. Sci., RNA, etc.)
- Elsevier
- FASEB - FASEB J., FASEB Newslett.
- KAP - Kluwer Academic Publishers
- OUP - Oxford University Press
- Springer-Verlag
- Company of Biologists Ltd. - BioEssays, JCS, Development, etc.
- Gene-Combis
- Human Genome News
- Journal of Biological Chemistry
- Journal of Molecular Biology
- Molecular Vision
- Nature
- New Scientist
- Science
Some biocomputing servers homepages
- EBI - European Bioinformatics Institute
- NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information
- Japanese GenomeNet
- ANGIS - Australian National Genomic Information Service
- ANU - Australian National University Bioinformatics
- BCD - INN - Weizmann Biological Computing Division / Israel EMBNet node
- ISREC - ISREC bioinformatics group (Lausanne / Swizerland)
- CBRG - Computational Biochemistry Research Group (Zurich / Switzerland)
- Pasteur - Institut Pasteur - Paris
- Genethon - Genethon / France
- ABI - Atelier BioInformatique / Marseille
- Sanger - Sanger centre (Hinxton / UK)
GSF AG BIODV - Software Development for Molecular Biology at the GSF Institut fuer Sauegetiergenetik
ICGEB - International Center for Genetic Engineering (Trieste / Italy)
ABC - Agricultural Biotechnology Center (Budapest / Hugary)
BCM HGC - Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Center
HGP Columbia- Human Genome Project at Columbia University
JHU - John Hopkins Bio-Informatics
NIH - NIH molecular biology
WICGR - Whitehead Institute Center for Genome Research
Biotechnology companies
- GTC - Genome Therapeutics Co. (Collaborative Research Inc.)
- NEB - New England Biolabs
- TIGR - The Institute for Genome Research
Biocomputing, software companies
Miscellanous references sites
Computer-related links
Recreational links
This list is not supposed to be complete, it reflects my (Amos Bairoch) interests and
will list servers that I find useful and up to date.
Last modified 6/Mar/1996 by AB
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