Florida Cooperative Extension is a partnership between
FEDERAL - United States Department of Agriculture
COUNTY - Florida's County governments
Operating as part of the University's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Extension serves each of the state's 67 counties by providing information and conducting educational programs on issues such as sustainable agriculture, competitiveness in world markets, natural resource conservation, energy conservation, food safety, child and family development, consumer credit counselling, and youth development.
Take the CES true/false test to find out!
Florida Sea Grant College
Florida Energy Extension Service
Florida Cooperative Extension Service: Wildlife
FAIRS - Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System
IPM Florida Integrated Pest Management
National Integrated Pest Management Network Florida
NFSD National Food Safety Database
NASD National Ag Safety Database
Alternative Methods for Mole Cricket Control
Whitefly Knowledgebase
Worldwide Agricultural Site Index
MIS - Agricultural Market Information System
Journal of Extension (JOE):
Florida County Cooperative Extension Service offices
Select any of the following county names to view
general county information.
Or, click on a
to see that county's Home Page.