Introduction of WDC-C2 for Ionosphere

The Communications Research Laboratory(CRL), Ministry of Post & Telecommunications, operates the World Data Center(WDC) C2 for Ionosphere. The data corrected since 1957 at the center are: For further information, see "CATALOG OF DATA IN WORLD DATA CENTER C2 FOR IONOSPHERE" annually issued by Communications Research Laboratory. Copies of these data are available upon request with a standard charge plus postage. Prices of copying are as follows:
|  Original data  |  Copying   | Unit  |  Price  |  Remarks  |
|  Publication    |  Hard Copy | Sheet |  30 yen |  A-4, B-4 |
|  Ionogram       |  Film      | Feet  | 150 yen |           |
|                 +------------+-------+---------+-----------+
|                 |  Hard Copy | Sheet |  60 yen |  A-4      |
Note: Mailing or shipping costs may be added, depending
      on the size of the order.
Inquiry and requests should be sent to the following address.

WDC-C2 for Ionosphere
Communications Research Laboratory
2-1 Nukui-Kitamachi 4-chome
Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184, japan

Phone: 0423-27-7478, Facsimile: 0423-27-7606
(International Calls; Phone: +81-423-27-7478, Facsimle: +81-423-27-7606)
Telex: 2832611 DEMPA J