Forum Reports.
These are the summary reports from the Centre's Pacific Region Forum on Business
and Management Communication.
Chinese Culture and Communication Program
1996 Spring & Summer Courses
A list of courses offered by the David See-Chai Lam Centre Chinese
Culture and Communication Program for the Spring and Fall of 96.
Japanese Culture and Communication Program (Spring 1996).
A list of courses offered by the David See-Chai Lam Centre Japanese
Culture and Communication Program for the Spring of 1996.
Upcoming Events
presented by the David See-Chai Lam Centre.
David See-Chai Lam Centre Gopher Server.
The Centre's gopher server contains a collection of information resources
related to the Asia Pacific region
not available in WWW form.
Articles by Andrew Horvat
on Asian Culture, Language, and Business. Mr. Horvat is Tokyo Bureau Chief of Public
Radio International. This is a collection of articles that have appeared
in various publications including Asia Inc..
Asian Software Archives
is a collection of FTP archives specializing in Asian Software.
Asian Netnews Groups
A list of Usenet Netnews groups related to Asia.
Intercultural Press Fall 1994 Catalog
Cheng & Tsui Company - Catalog 29
Asia Pacific Database.
A bibliographic database of articles relevent to the countries of the
Pacific Rim.
1994 CIA World
Factbook This is a WWW version of the informatation resource
produced by the US Central Intelligence Agency.
Emergency Preparedness Information eXchange
(EPIX) is a system developed by the Centre for Policy Research on Science and
Technology at Simon Fraser University. The purpose of EPIX is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information
among Canadian and international public and private sector organizations
about the prevention of, preparation for, recovery from and/or mitigation
of risk associated with natural and socio-technological disasters.
Recent Earthquake Information
The Chinese-Language-Related Information Page
is a WWW page dedicated to a wide variety of topics relevent to the Chinese language.
Topics include: viewing and listening to Chinese on the WWW, Chinese educational
software, and sources of Chinese text files.
Asian Country Resources
is an extensive list of WWW resources relevant to the countries of
Register of Leading Asian & Pacific Studies
Electronic Journals
This document ( keeps
track of leading on-line serials of value/significance to researchers in Asian and Pacific Studies.
[from sites home page]
China Information on the Internet
This is a gopher site that contains pointers to interesting sites on
the net dealing with China.
Other Resources
Also at this Site
Related Resources at Other Sites