Articles & Speeches
- Civil-Military
Relations in Brazil: The Myth of Tutelary Democracy Scott D.
Tollefson, Latin American Studies Association Conference, 1995
- Guerrilla in
the Brazilian Amazon Colonel Alvaro de Souza Pinheiro, U.S. Army
Foreign Military Studies Office, 1995
- New
Generation of U.S.-Mexico Cooperation and Trust Secretary of Defense
William J. Perry at the Ministry of Defense, Mexico City, October 23, 1995
- Operation
Uphold Democracy, Haiti Strobe Talbott, U.S. Department of State,
March 9, 1995
- The Overlap
of Military and Police in Latin America Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey
B. Demarest, U.S. Foreign Military Studies Office, 1994
- Southern
Command: Upbeat Outlook, Some Lingering Pitfalls Gen. Barry R.
McCaffrey, USA, commander chief, U.S. Southern Command, before the House
National Security Committee, March 8, 1995
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