[Bradley University]


For more information about admission to Bradley, call the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at (309) 677-1000 or 1-800-447-6460 (toll free). You may contact the Graduate Admissions Office at (309) 677-2371.

What Bradley has to Offer

How is a Bradley education different from that offered by other colleges and universities? Bradley is a private, medium-sized, comprehensive university; out of the 3,600 colleges and universities in the nation, only 23 fit this description. What it means to you is that Bradley offers you the very best qualities of both a small, private college and a large university

The Benefits of a College

Bradley enrolls approximately 6,000 students; 5,200 are undergraduate and 800 are graduate. Yet like a smaller private college (and unlike a large public university), our classes are small - three-quarters contain 25 or fewer students - and our student/faculty ratio is low at 15:1. All of our courses are taught by professors, not teaching assistants, who provide the individual academic support you need to learn.

The Benefits of a University

When it comes to choosing a major, you'll discover that Bradley - as a comprehensive university - offers a wide variety of options: more than 60 undergraduate programs of study in five colleges. And as a university, we are able to offer you a rich assortment of educational facilities and opportunities: first-rate computer and science labs, a library with a collection of more than a million items, and the opportunity to do individual research or write publishable papers as an undergraduate. Unlike many larger universities, you will also find it easy at Bradley to enrich your education by pursuing programs and opportunities in more than one of our five colleges. For example, you may choose an interdisciplinary major such as engineering/physics or international business, working with professors and facilities in two different colleges.

Residence Halls for the Future

This unique residence hall option equips students with a state-of-the-art personal computer linked to networks literally all across campus and around the world.

More Information on the Residence Halls for the Future

The Academic Exploration Program

Nearly one-third of Bradley's undergraduates enter the award-winning A.E.P. program, which provides academic and career guidance to undeclared majors.

More Information on the The Academic Exploration Program

The Graduate School

The rapid change in the base of human knowledge and the changing responsibilities in many professions have resulted in substantial growth in student demand for graduate education. To help address this demand, Bradley provides Master's degrees in 25 areas of study in the arts, business administration, education, engineering, and the humanities and sciences.

More information on the Graduate School

Last update: 5-Feb-96