The English at the end of the 16th Century followed the continental fencers in taking on the use of the rapier. In defense of English technique, George Silver published a treatise called the Paradoxes of Defense. This treatise was used to espouse the use of the English weapons and to downplay the use of the rapier. Silver hated the Italians and Spanish and made sure that his readers knew that these styles were more dangerous for the user than good English practices. He also wrote a treatise on his Paradoxes called Brief Instructions.
I have just acquired a copy of Caranza! As I get parts typed in and translated, I will be placing bits and pieces on the server. Watch here for up and coming translations!
A number of people are now studying not only period fencing techniques but also the blades themselves. I have begun a study of period blades and as I obtain information on period pieces I will endeavor to place the information on a blades page. If you have any information you would like to contribute in this area, please contact me.
Wolfgang von Hesse from the Barony of Mons Tonitras has placed some of his rapier diagrams on the Web. Click here to view them.
If you are in the SCA and would like to see a copy of the Atenveldt Rapier rules Click here.
In Anno Societatis XXVIII the Crown of Atenveldt instituted the Order of the Defenders of the White Scarf. This order is a companion order to that used in other Kingdoms (including Ansteora and the Outlands). It is the highest award for fencing in the Kingdom.
If you want to see some SCA related images, information about the March of Ered Sul or some of Ioseph of Locksley's works, click here. You can also check out the ftp server at in the sca directory.
I am especially looking for electronic copies and translations of the Italian and Spanish Masters. I currently have copies of Silver, Saviolo, Grassi, Lovino, Pallas Armata and Swetnam (most in hard copy only).
Master Gwylym ab Owain, OP D.W.S., Atenveldt Kingdom Marshal of Fence, Former Captain of the Queen's Musketeers.