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University of Texas Health Science Center, Department of Pathology, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio, Texas 78284-7750, Tel. (210) 567-2826. E-mail: pekkel@uthscsa.edu

1966-1972The Second Moscow Medical Institute, Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, graduated as Biophysicist (equivalent of MS in Biophysics).
1972-1978Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry, Academy of Medical Science of USSR - Moscow. Academic degree "Kandidat of Science" in Biochemistry (equivalent of Ph.D.). Thesis: "Purification and Properties of Heart Muscle Adenylate Deaminase".
Molecular biology: DNA amplification and investigation by PCR and SSCP, cloning and sequencing. Analysis of mutations and mapping of bacterial genes. LOH analysis.
Biochemistry: Investigation of physico-chemical, catalytic and regulatory properties of enzymes. Purification of enzymes. Changes of the activity of enzymes at pathological conditions. Laboratory and clinical methods of determination of enzyme activity. Computer analysis of enzyme kinetics. Amineoxidase inhibitors - screening and synthesis of new inhibitors, especially enzyme-based and dual enzyme-based inhibitors, kinetics and mechanism of their action. Clinical use of inhibitors.
Biophysics: Spectroscopic and fluorescence analysis.
CS: Working knowledge of Unix, DOS, MS Windows and Macintosh operating systems and platforms. Experience with HTML, Perl, WWW clients and servers, WAIS, telnet, ftp, archie etc.
Current research: LOH analysis at breast cancer.


  1. Timakov V.D., Levashov V.S., Pekkel V.A. Genetic characterization of Lon strains. Doklady Academii Nauk USSR (Proceedings Academy of Sciences of USSR), 1971,201,1476-77. (Russian)
  2. Pekkel V.A., Abramova M.A., Levashov V.S. Role of polyamines in process of bacterial division. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii (Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology), 1974,N2,8-13. (Russian)
  3. Pekkel V.A., Akopyan Z.I. Potentiometric method for determination of adenylate deaminase activity. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii (Problems of Medical Chemistry), 1975,21,207-211. (Russian)
  4. Pekkel V.A. Sievorptive chromatography. Problems of Medical Chemistry, 1977,23,407-412. (Russian)
  5. Pekkel V.A. A simple fluorometer based on a model of photoelectro-colorimeter FEK-56. Laboratornoe delo (Laboratory Workmanship), 1977,N5, 313-314. (Russian)
  6. Pekkel V.A., Akopyan Z.I. Potentiometric determination of adenylate deaminase activity. In "Modern Methods of Biochemistry", Medicine, M., 1977, pp.37-40. (Russian)
  7. Pekkel V.A., Kirkel A.Z. Allosteric modification of adenylate deaminase activity: appearance of adenosine deaminase activity as an effect of potassium ions. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1978,86(11),1442-1444. (English, in Russian ed. pp.535-537)
  8. Pekkel V.A., Kirkel A.Z. Purification and certain physicochemical properties of myocardial adenylate deaminase. Biochemistry-USSR, 1979, 44(9),1311-1319. (English)
  9. Pekkel V.A., Kirkel A.Z., Gorkin V.Z. Kinetic and regulatory properties of miocardial adenylate deaminase. Biochemistry-USSR, 1980, 45(2),213-219. (English)
  10. Pekkel V.A. Additional device for photoelectrocolorimeter for luminescent analysis. In "Luminescent Analysis in Medical and Biological Researches". Riga, 1980, pp.50-53. (Russian)
  11. Pekkel V.A. Adenylate deaminases of animals tissues. Uspekhi Sovremennoi biologii (Achievments of Modern Biology), 1980,89,377-393, (Russian)
  12. Kirkel A.Z., Pekkel V.A., Akhmetalieva R.Zh., Chernukha E.A., Gorkin V.Z. Decrease of placental amine oxidase activities at premature labor. Problems of Medical Chemistry, 1983,29(4),83-87. (Russian)
  13. Pekkel V.A., Kirkel A.Z. Subcellular localization, inhibitor specificity, and catalytic properties of different amine oxidases from human placenta. Biochemistry-USSR, 1985,50(2),246-255. (English)
  14. Pekkel V.A., Kirkel A.Z. A modified radiometric method of determining amine oxidase activity. Problems of Medical Chemistry, 1985,31(2),122-125. (Russian)
  15. Kirkel A.Z., Romanyuk Y.P., Davydova G.A., Ermolaev K.M., Pekkel V.A. Para-nitrobenzylamine and p-dimethylaminomethylbenzylamine oxidation catalyzed by amine oxidases from human placenta and blood serum. Problems of Medical Chemistry, 1986,32(2),118-125. (Russian)
  16. Pekkel V.A. Processing the results of biochemical studies with programmable calculators. Laboratory Workmanship, 1987,N5,344-354. (Russian)
  17. Pekkel V.A., Aksenova L.N., Boymirsoev M.I. A modified radiometric method of determining aminoxidases, suitable for analyzing platelet monoamine oxidase in microsamples of whole blood. Laboratory Workmanship, 1987,N7,491-496. (Russian)
  18. Pekkel V.A., Kirkel A.Z. Unusual inhibition of monoamine oxidase activity induced by chlorgyline. Biochemistry-USSR, 1988,53(7),1064-1069. (English, in Russian ed. pp.1224-1229)
  19. Pekkel V.A., Pozdnev V.F., Kirkel A.Z., Tischenko L.A., Aksenova L.N.Interaction of placental diamine oxidase with carboxyl-substituted lysine. Biochemistry-USSR, 1989,54(12), pp. 1986-1993.
  20. Pozdnev V.F., Pekkel V.A., Aksenova L.N. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase by esters and peptides of aromatic amino acids. Biomedical Science, 1990, v.1, pp 288-290.
  21. Kirkel A.Z., Tishchenko L.A., Aksenova L.N., Pekkel V.A., Gorkin V.Z. Comparative characteristics of membrane bound and cytoplasmic monoamine oxidases in human placenta. Problems of Medical Chemistry (Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii), 1991, 37(4), 25-28. (Russian)
  22. Schneider B.G., Hilsenbeck S.G., Hensel C.H., Pekkel V., Shelton C.H., Rodriguez-Martinez H.A., Gutierrez-Diaz E., Pulitzer D.R., Allred D.C. P53 mutations in Gastric and Colorectal Cancers in Texas Hispanics versus Anglos. Virchows Archiv, 1994, 424, pp 187-193.
  23. O'Connell P., Pekkel V., Fuqua S., Osborne C.K., Allred D.C. Molecular Genetic Studies of Early Breast Cancer Evolution. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 1994, 32, pp. 5-12.

Popular Scientific Publications:

The Great Soviet Medical Encyclopedia, 3-d edition, "Soviet Encyclopedia", M.

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