Netmar WWW Homepage

Netmar offers top quality service and the most features of ANY web provider for the lowest prices. A WWW homepage account with Netmar is the most efficient, economical, and reliable way to be seen by the world!

All accounts include:

Individual Account Prices

One-time Setup Fee                                 $15.00
Monthly Fee (1 MB Disk Quota)                      $15.00
            (2 MB Disk Quota)                      $21.00
            (3 MB Disk Quota)                      $27.00
            (4 MB Disk Quota)                      $33.00
            (5 MB Disk Quota)                      $39.00
            (>5 MB's)                    Contact us for a quote.

If, after one month, you're not completely convinced that our service is the best, we'll refund your setup fee, no questions asked!

Click here to order your Web Account now!


Click here to use our Secure Order Form to sign up
with a credit card for quick startup.

Please note that in order to login to Netmar system you must already have basic access to the Internet that includes telnet and/or ftp.
Such accounts include:
  1. America Online®
  2. Prodigy®
  3. Delphi®
  4. Netcom® Shell Accounts
  5. Netcom Netcruiser® Accounts
  6. Any basic shell account
  7. Any SLIP or PPP account

Copyright © 1995, Netmar, Incorporated

America Online, Prodigy, Delphi, Netcom, and Netcruiser are tradmarks of their respective commercial entitites.