Welcome to Brown's Resource Conservation Program
Table Of Contents
Brown University's commitment to promoting campus environmental responsibility and resource conservation, Brown Is Green, is a cooperative effort by all departments, staff, students, and faculty.
Established in 1990, Brown Is Green program is Brown's educational and advocacy program which links
student research and education efforts with administrative offices. The goal is to implement programs that reduce the environmental risks of operations. BIG has the support and guidance of a BIG committee, consisting of fa
culty, students and administration. The Department of Plant Operations manages the Brown Recycling Program and implements many of the resource conservation efforts.
More information on the program is available below in the specific conservation topics.
A Brown electronic bulletin board has been created during fall semester to facilitate carpooling.
Please check brown.sigs.carpool to find out
more about reducing the environmental impacts of automobile travel.
New Items and Announcements
Brown's Center for
Environmental Studies
Campus Environmental Stewardship Homepages
Blueprint for a Green Campus
Dartmouth Report
of the Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Policies for College Operations
University Leaders for a Sustainable Future
Discussion Groups and Listservs
General Environmental Resources on the Internet
Student Groups and Organizations
Earth Views-- a collection of servers that gives you up-to-date environmental data, such as photos taken by NASA satellites.
.. out to Cyberspace
Information on the development of this information server.
Specific Conservation Topics:
Thank you for visiting the BIG Home Page.
This document is created and maintained by:
Last Document Update 02/05/96
Please contact us with suggestions and comments.
2417 <> 10/10/95