Oscar Contest

The Official Interactive Guide to the Academy Awards ®


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If you have already enrolled and received your User-ID,
you may proceed directly to the contest form.
Good Luck!

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Here is how it works

During Academy Award® time, everyone we know tries to guess who will take home an Oscar®. Office pools, guessing games and informal contests are organized around Oscar Nighttm parties where we gather to watch the show and test our intuition.

This year, you can enter the official guessing game and take home some wonderful prizes if your forecasting power is as good as you think it is.

Here's how it will work. Every category is worth a certain number of points. Best Actor may be worth 100 points, while Best Documentary Short might be worth 10 points (because the films in this category are harder for the general public to see). Within each category you get to place these points with the nominees as you see fit. For example, let's say you are considering Best Actor, worth 100 points. If you thought Cary Grant would win, you would place all 100 points in that category on Cary Grant. If you were pretty sure that Grant would win, but you thought there was an outside chance that Humphrey Bogart could get the award, you might place 79 points with Grant and 21 points with Bogart. If you were totally confused, you could place 20 points with each of the five nominees in that category and be sure of scoring 20 points on that category. You only get to score the points you placed on the winners. The entry with the highest score wins!

So get your crystal ball ready, and join us for the fun and the Prizes!
(But you're not in this for prizes, are you? You want the recognition!)