This directory lists both the Resident Computer Coordinators as well as the Central Staff.

The domain name for all e-mail addresses is "". The host is "rescomp" unless otherwise listed.

Resident Computer Coordinators

House RCC Email Phone Room
Branner Mike Slemmer raistlin 7-7343 203
Crothers/CroMem Dan Most danmost@leland 7-3973 536
Escondido Gillian Sanders sanders 7-7044 23F
Escondido Sudarshan Chawathe chaw@cs 7-7186 110J
Escondido Kevin Haas krazy 7-7774 122A
Escondido Sunil Vemuri vemuri 7-7818 144B
Escondido Xinhua Zhao xinhua 7-1949 61E
Flo Mo: East Patrick Weston pweston 7-6539 106 Cardenal
Flo Mo: East Phil Lin phillin 7-1049 109 Faisan
Flo Mo: West Rob Morris katt@leland 7-4920 300 Loro
Flo Mo: West Eric Schmitt mentor 7-9497 200 Mirlo
Ind Houses: AmStud Sajal Srivastava srivasta 7-2973 306
Kimball Yuji Higaki caballo 7-2661 208
Kimball Nalu Kaahaaina wave 7-1045 250
Lag: Adelfa Jeremy Henrickson jeremy@cs 7-4733 219
Lag: Granada Leo Ramirez leolari 7-3870 247B
Lag: Naranja Scott Atwood atwood@cs 7-7859 157
Lag: Ujamaa Stephen Wu stephenw 7-1909 287
Manz: Castano Kay Luo kluo 5-6111 107
Manz: Lantana Felix Lin feilimau 7-4193 115
Mirrielees Andrea Harzstark andreah 7-1027 110
Rains Stephen Herrod herrod@cs 7-1405 14H
Rains Karl Pfleger kpfleger 7-7787 14H
Rains Tad Hofmeister tad@cher 7-7482 12F
Roble Anthony Ramirez antho 7-4521 109
Roble Anne Stern tolstoy 7-9233 240
Row: Zone 1 Sasha Aickin xander 7-5380 227
Row: Zone 2 Diana Fu echo 7-6278 323 Slav Dom
Row: Zone 3 Terry Cussen cussen 7-2946 315 Grove Mayfield
Row: Zone 4 Chris Gori cgori 7-0793 208 553 Mayfield
Row: Zone 5 Matt Schnitz schnitz 7-2677 102 Phi Sig
Row: Zone 6 Raj Raghavan rajvr 7-4867 111 Lambda Nu
Ster Quad: Potter Vik Gupta vkg 7-7046 313
Ster Quad: Schiff Scott Baker scottb@cs 7-0537 105
Stern: Burbank Bryan Johnson bhj@cs 7-5891 302
Stern: Donner Mark Prior marky 7-4262 210
Stern: Larkin Jim Morris jmorris@cs 7-0646 123
Stern: Serra Anoop Sinha anoop 7-4215 112
Stern: Twain Thai Bui theflea@medisg 7-5670 203
Stern: Zapata Chris Pettit cpettit@cs 7-2594 112
Suites Salma Qarnain leia@rescomp 7-3672 201 Anderson
Toyon CD Khopkar chirag 7-1198 244
Toyon Scott Zimmermann cassius 7-1101 243
Wilbur: Arroyo Monique Bradshaw niquey 7-6829 320
Wilbur: Cedro Naveen Chopra chopra 7-5265 310
Wilbur: Junipero Aileen Mo aileen 7-2936 210
Wilbur: Okada Erik Chen dblmint 7-4079 319
Wilbur: Otero Jocelyn Goldfein jocelyng 7-5390 319
Wilbur: Rinconada Rosalind Wang tirgo 7-4832 210
Wilbur: Soto Chung Chan cchan 7-4300 110
Wilbur: Trancos Tamar Engel tamar@cs 7-6259 220

Check out the RCC Pictures Page

Central Staff

Central Office Phone: (415) 723-4800
Director Jeff Merriman birdland@jessica
Assistant Director Dane Spearing dane@rescomp
Assistant Director Jamey Frank jamey@rescomp
Office Manager Marliese Warren marliese@rescomp
RCA Stuart Cheshire cheshire@cs
RCA Roger Avedon avedon@leland
RCA Sung Kang kangs@leland
Mercenary Neil Crellin neilc@wallaby
Consultant Kevin Morris finicky@rescomp
Technical Support Brad Andrews bordz@leland
Technical Support Jeff Ressler jressler@leland
Technical Support Burhan Haile riser@leland
Technical Support Andrew Shieh shandrew@leland
Technical Support Raymond Diep ralthar@leland
Technical Support Michael Yu guanyuan@leland
Technical Support Ethan Rikleen falcon@rescomp
Technical Support Monique Bradshaw niquey@rescomp
Technical Support Giathang Dao gdao@leland
Technical Support Edward Hou edhou@leland
Technical Support Markos Kurowski jerzy@leland
Office Support Marisol Munoz solitude@leland
Library Affil. Adam Elman elmanad@rescomp

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