Cutting Edge Technology is a training and consulting firm based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We offer individual and group training in a variety of technology related areas, with an emphasis on Internet Training. Training programs are customized to the needs of the company or individual user, not one-size-fits-all. We also conduct group seminars for the general public, at conferences and expositions and for professional organizations.

What's new at this site

Seminars available for business & corporate clients

Our Next presentation.

List of Consulting Services

Online Internet Tips for newcomers to the Web

Cutting Edge training staff


Our training is designed to get you (and your staff) on-line and getting the most out of the net fast, whether you are an experienced On-line Operator or a Net Novice. Call or E-Mail ( today to schedule training in the Albuquerque area. Out of town queries are welcomed and will be evaluated on an individual basis.

How to contact us:


Telephone: 505.821.6246

Snail Mail...6501 Cathy Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109-3643

Hot Links! Politics! Sports! Movies! Trainer/Consultant Rene' Smeraglia gives you a tour of his favorite WWW sites on this frequently updated page.

Get daily updates on the Iditarod race in Alaska at an intereactive classroom site or at iDog, the daily online guide to the race.

Have you heard RealAudio on your computer yet? Many Web sites now feature this latest real-time audio format. Download a copy of the RealAudio Player free. Then go to the RealAudio Guide to find the latest and greatest audio programming.

Do you need information on Net security, HTML, Internet Providers, Windows 95 etc? We've compiled links to valuable Internet Resources we've found along the Infobahn.

Starting Points: if you can't find what you want in the Yahoo index, you might try the Global Network Navigator Home Page or the Yanoff Internet Services List. For more specific searches, try a Search Engine from the University of Geneva. Our favorite is Lycos

Copyright 1996 (This page is maintained by Rene' E. Smeraglia. Forward any comments to
LAST UPDATE: 10 March 1996