Start 1996 with a complete reference guide for
interpreting and writing letters, trade agreements, contracts, warranties, policies documents and transactions.

Se Habla Español

Over 50,000

essential words and phrases in financial,
legal, and banking terminology.

Available from the New Mexico Bankers Association - -
over two years in research and development

As the professional world prepares for the turn of the century, it is increasingly common to find business communications conducted in Spanish and English. As a result, the key to efficient and successful communication in any industry is bilingual capabilities.
The ability to translate all forms of documentation such as letters, contracts, warranties, policies, leases, billing and transactions, is the most leveraging advantage a professional can have.
This professional reference guide was written by an industry professional specifically for financial, legal, and banking communications---both written and verbal.

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Quick and easy to use:

Alphabetical listing of phrases and words to simplify reading and writing letters, contracts, agreements, warranties, business forms and transactions. The Guide is cross-referenced with 17 different Spanish speaking countries.

English to Spanish Samples From The Reference Guide

Samples of Spanish to English

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