The People who manage the Amazing Workstation Development Group:

The Amazing Workstation Development Group!

(collectively, we never sleep)

In our basement digs in Phillips Hall, on the campus of beautiful UNC-Chapel Hill, we concoct our plans to take over the world. Lately, we've been keeping our office neater. We recently got some nifty new machinery: a PowerPC 8500 with a 17 inch monitor, Sparc servers, and more! Wow! We're happy campers -- and necessarily so, since we have to have something to do whilst we are being snowed in.

The stereo is currently playing Al Green.

One of our sysadmins, Donald Ball, recently returned from a brief jaunt to China where he helped establish SunSITE-Beijing.

We've also been known to play around with reality at times.

People who came, saw, changed our world, and left again

Not-so-recent Visitors to the Purple Lounge who are still our friends!

For those of you who commented that you couldn't read the text on this background before, it's been changed due to regulation 40116(c)(0.9) in the new Workplace Environment Laws section of the North Carolina Employee Safety Manual. Cheers, and happy reading!
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