Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

2 Earley Gate, Whiteknights, PO Box 239, Reading RG6 6AU, UK

University of Reading

Department of Meteorology

Postgraduate Research Studentships

The Department expects to offer a number of postgraduate research studentships to UK students who hold a first or upper second class honours degree in physics, mathematics or a closely related physical science, to start in October 1996. Projects have been proposed in a wide range of topics in the atmospheric sciences, including atmospheric dynamics and modelling, dynamical oceanography, tropical meteorology, satellite remote sensing, atmospheric turbulence and urban pollution. Further information and application forms are available from: the Department Office, 2 Earley Gate, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AU or e-mail Further information about the Department can be found on our Home pages on

Short-listed candidates will be invited to a Research Fair on Wednesday 24th January 1996 to discuss projects with supervisors and to meet members of the Department.

Closing date is 10th January 1996.


NERC studentships

These projects have been submitted for NERC Research Studentships. If the Studentship is awarded, it may only be taken up by a UK student (or an EEC student on a "fees only" basis). We do not expect all these proposals to be successful in attracting NERC support : if unsuccessful with NERC, the project could be taken by an independently funded or international research student.


Steep hills and breaking ocean waves induce separation of airflow. Separation over hills induces large drag, which has to be parameterised in large scale weather forecasting models. And separation of airflow over breaking waves may well dominate momentum and energy exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean. Amins of this project include identifying basic processes that control separation and comparing the effect of the overall shape of the hill or wave on the onset of separation (e.g. does a locally sharp crest promote separation) with the role played by surface features (on hills the variable roughness and on waves the surface velocity determined by the water motions). We shall use a numerical model to study airflow over a two-dimensional hill or quasi-steady breaking waves, which can give useful information about the naturally-occurring unsteady breakers (e.g. Duncan 1981). We will use the non-linear numerical model developed by Wood and Mason (1993) to study airflow over hills and recently extended by Cohen (1995) to account for moving waves. The sensitivity of the onset of separation to the turbulence parameterisation will be systematically investigated with subsequent development of the parameterisation as necessary. The numerical work could be complemented by analytical work based on analysis of airflow over gentle waves (Belcher and Hunt 1993) and a theoretical framework for separation of turbulent boundary layer (Durbin and Belcher 1992). The proposed work will benefit from on-going laboratory experiments being performed at IMST, France. The student would attend a series of MSc lecture courses during the first year.

Dr S E Belcher


Cold fronts produce much of the significant weather encountered in the UK. It tends to occur in association with mesoscale features sometimes in the form of lines or cells of heavy rain, sometimes with strong wind gusts. The nature of the mesoscale substructure is related to the type of cold fronts and depends in particular on the extent to which air of low wet-bulb potential temperature (WBPT) overruns air of high WBPT. In principle, a mesoscale model is well suited both for studying such processes and for forecasting their occurrence. In practice the model performance is impaired by the fact that its behaviour is sensitive to the representation in the model of subgridscale processes such as convection. The proposed PhD research will involve diagnostic studies of output from the Met Office's operational mesoscale model compared with detailed, but routinely available, observations of the occurrence and nature of, for example, line convection. This will clarify the nature of inadequacies in the model parameterisation and lead to suggestions for improvements. At the same time it will lead to a deeper insight into the actual processes themselves. The research will provide a valuable mix of experience in modelling and observational techniques set within a context of dynamical and physical interpretation.

Professor K A Browning

Quasi-Equilibrium Principles for Cumulus Convertion

Recent observation and numerical modelling results suggest that the convecting atmosphere exists in a quasi-equilibrium state, very close to a conditional neutrality, or more generally zero moist potential vorticity. However, an additional closure assumption is needed to predict the interaction of the convective ensemble with its environment. This could come from a moisture or boundary layer budget, which might itself be subject to some balance.

The purpose of this project is to examine simple mathematical representations for such balances, comparing directly with the results of 3-dimensional simulations of convective ensembles (associated NERC project). The consequences of a convectively-induced equilibrium state for the dynamics of large-scale weather systems such as monsoon depressions and midlatitude cyclones can then be explored.

The student will be expected to acquire a deep knowledge of theoretical atmospheric dynamics, and will gain experience with modern numerical modelling techniques (but will not be responsible for carrying out the

numerical experiments). It is expected that the student will participate to some extent in the Isaac Newton Institute on "The Mathematics of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics", where the supervisor will be organising activities relating to nonconservative effects, such as convective heating, in balanced models of the atmosphere.

It is expected that understanding derived from this study will assist in the design of convective parametrization schemes in which boundary layer dynamics and convection are properly coupled. This would help to address a widely-perceived deficiency in current convective parametrization schemes in forecast models.

Dr G C Craig

The Effect of Baroclinic Eddies on Tropospheric Lapse Rate and Tropopause Height

It is generally accepted that baroclinic eddies are important for maintaining the temperature structure of the troposphere and the height of the tropopause in the extratropics. However, simplistic characterizations of baroclinic adjustment predict relationships between parameters that do not appear to hold in GCM experiments. The aim of the proposed project is to investigate these issues further. The approach will be to run carefully designed hypothesis testing experiments using a GCM, including simplified experiments in which only key processes are retained, and "initial value" experiments in which the transient behaviour will be studied.

The student will receive training in the science of the atmospheric general circulation and in the use of numerical GCMs.

Dr G C Craig


The aim of this research project is to develop a numerical model of heterogeneous chemistry in the troposphere with particular emphasis on urban air pollution, a subject of increasing concern. Previous studies have established unequivocally that the photochemical oxidation of hydrocarbons in the presence of nitrogen oxides causes the production of ozone and other harmful pollutants. However, when clouds are present, soluble species which initiate hydrocarbon oxidation (such as OH and O3) are sequestered in the aqueous phase, while nitrogen oxides remain in the gas phase. In addition, aldehydes and carboxylic acids, formed by the degradation of primary pollutants, can be oxides within clouds to CO2, without concurrent O3 production. Both these effects reduce photochemical ozone production. Model studies to date have concentrated on the global effects of clouds and aerosols (e.g. Lelieveld and Crutzen, Nature,343, 227, 1990) rather than on the local consequences for air quality in urban areas, where aerosol surface areas are large as a result of the emission of particulate matter during fossil fuel combustion. The project will build on a chemical box model that has recently been developed by the applicant for studies of stratospheric chemistry, and which is currently being adapted to include gas-phase tropospheric chemistry.

The proposed research project would involve: validation of the gas-phase chemistry in the model by comparison with the results of previous smog chamber experiments (over 500 have been performed, J.H. Seinfeld, Science, 243,745, 1989); the development of a computer model of the chemical processes occurring in clouds and aerosol droplets; studies to identify the optimum way of applying mechanism reduction techniques to increase the computational efficiency of the model; and the use of the model to assess the influence of heterogeneous processes on air quality and photochemical smog formation. The student will gain the following skills: a thorough understanding of both the meteorology and the chemistry of the atmosphere (by attending advanced taught courses in fluid dynamics and meteorology, and through links with Dr G Marston's group in the Chemistry Department) with particular emphasis on the important issue of urban air quality; skills in numerical modelling and presentation skills.

Dr D J Fish

PM10 Urban pollution sampling

Atmospheric aerosol particles in the sub 10 micron size range are of increasing interest in environmental protection because of their ability to penetrate deep into the lung. Conventional methods of observing such particles usually employ optical particle counters which are expensive and delicate instruments. Consequently good spatial resolution (by measurement at several points) in micrometeorological experiments is rarely obtained. Electrical methods (which depend on capturing charged particles using an electric field) offer an appealing and simple alternative. There is clearly a great need for more urban aerosol measurements.

This project will develop a compact and low power aerosol particle sensor, based on the principle of a mass-produced smoke alarm (which senses changes in air conductivity). It will also apply electrical mobility separation to the incoming particles, using a miniaturised concentric cylinder capacitor particle counter (Gerdien,1905), fabricated from an electret polymer. An existing micropower amplifier system already developed (Harrison, 1995), will allow detection of particles captured, from which the aerosol concentration canbe determined. The sensor developed would be operated in the field alongside our optical counter systems, for calibration, and then used with micrometeorological instruments with the aim of detecting spatial variations in aerosol near urban sources. This project would ideally suit an experimentally-inclined physicist, as it would include a mixture of sensor and electronic development, and theoretical interpretation of results. The student would develop meteorological field measurement expertise, as well as computer interfacing and logging techniques.

Ref: Gerdien H. (1905) J.Terr.Mag 65,10

Dr R G Harrison

Electrified aerosol in clouds

Electrical changing of an aerosol particle can lead to electrical forces which are comparable with the particle's weight and which can therefore influence the dynamics of the particle. Microphysical processes are also greatly influenced by electrical changes, causing different behaviour of pollutant aerosol in neutral and electrified clouds. Aerosol scavenging by raindrops (Wang et al 1978) and collision efficiencies of cloud droplets are both highly sensitive to electrical effects as are the coagulation rates of an aerosol particle size distribution, particularly between particles of different sizes (Clement et al, 1995). In addition to anthropogenic aerosol, redioactive aerosol particles can acquire very large electrical charges (Clement and Harrison, 1992). Since cloud processes may dominate in transferring radioactivity from the atmosphere to humans following any future Eastern European reactor accident, improving understanding of electrical cloud processes is of considerable importance.

This PhD project would employ the parameterisations for electrically charged aerosols already developed, together with a simple axisymmetric cloud model. Transport modelling of the aerosol from a boundary layer point source would also be necessary to investigate the release of radioactive aerosol. Electrical feedback's between the particles and the cloud scheme would be a key feature to investigate. This work would clearly benefit from cloud modelling work at Reading, and our existing work on urban pollution and atmospheric electricity. This student would develop computer modelling skills and an appreciation of the interaction between environmental pollution and meteorological processes. The boundary layer pollution modelling could be expected to enhance environmental employment prospects.

Ref: Wang P.K., Grover S.N. and Pruppacher H.R. (1978) J.Atmos.Sci.35,pp 1735-1743

Dr R G Harrison

A simple model of the tropics and subtropics

It has been shown that integrations of a time dependent, global numerical model with specific orography and diabatic heating produce very realistic, zonally asymmetric structures for June to August (Hoskins and Rodwell 1995). The success of this model has allowed study of the role played by various processes in giving the cross-equatorial flow into the Asian Monsoon (Hoskins and Rodwell 1995) the descent in the E. Mediterranean (Rodwell and Hoskins 1995), and the surface subtropical anticyclone (Hoskins and Rodwell 1996). The aim of the proposed project will be to extend this work by mainly making the diabatic heating in the model dependent on the flow. This interactive model will be used to study problems such as Monsoon breaks, and the detailed structure of the subtropical anticyclones and its sensitivity for various processes.

The student will be given a background in the subject by attendance at relevant MSc lectures. He/she will have significant contact with UGAMP scientists working on the tropics, in particular Dr M Rodwell. The project will provide an excellent training in climate processes and modelling.

Professor B J Hoskins


Subtropical cold fronts are associated with equatorward penetrating troughs at the end of midlatitude storm tracks, and are thus an intimate part of tropical - extratropical interaction events. In contrast to fronts in midlatitiudes these fronts are often dry and associated with strong convecting boundary layers. They also have a marked diurnal cycle. Australian fronts for example undergo frontolysis during the day whereas a low latitude front in China was observed to be frontogenetic during the day. As well as differing boundary layer heights in the cold and warm air, it is thought that dust in the cold air can impact on the radiative heating profiles in the region of the front and thus affect the surface front.

The aim of this study is to investigate subtropical fronts and their diurnal cycle. Whilst much is know about cold fronts and convecting boundary layers separately, little is known about them together. Fundamental aspects of the fronts, including the radiative effects of dust will be examined using a boundary layer, eddy-resolving model. A comparison of model simulations with fronts observed in the Central Australian Fronts Experiment 1996 will be made.

The student will attend courses from the MSc in 'Weather, Climate and Modelling' and will attend the NERC Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Summer School. The student will become familiar with physical parametrisations used in NWP models and will receive a broad training in atmospheric science.

Dr C D Thorncroft


Mesoscale studies show that the character of frontal instability is very sensitive to the presence of weak deformation winds fields are associated with the subtropical Hadley circulation, and these vary with longitude according to the deep tropical forcing at a particular location. The project will examine synoptic scale baroclinic instability, and the non-linear lifecycle development of baroclinic instability, in the presence of deformation fields based on the mean observed Hadley circulation. Basic states, consisting of a zonal mean zonal flow and imposed meridional deformation flow will be constructed following study of flow fields observed in the ECMWF analyses. By identifying the flows which inhibit or enhance baroclinic development. A potentially important mechanism for the influence of the tropical circulation upon the midlatitude storm tracks will be delineated.

The student will required to attend relevant units from our MSc and MRes courses, depending upon his or her background. During the project the student will gain in the study of global atmospheric circulation and in dynamical meteorology.

Dr I N James


The Hadley Circulation has long been considered the flywheel of the global atmospheric circulation. Its maintenance covers a myriad of physical and dynamical processes from deep cumulus convection, radiative processes to turbulence in the boundary layer. Changes in the vigour and/or stability of the Hadley Circulation would have a profound influence on the global climate. The ability of a General Circulation Model (GCM) to correctly simulate the Hadley Circulation is of fundamental importance.

This PhD project proposes to analyse the Hadley Circulation in the United Kingdom Meteorological Office Unified Model (UM), comparing the model derived circulation statistics to those from available observations and particularly the ECMWF reanalyses. It will also consider the dominant physical and dynamical processes that determine the nature of the Hadley Circulation in the UM. The project will take advantage of the installation of the UM locally on a workstation for sensitivity studies and extensive collaboration with postdoctoral research being undertaken by Dr Colin Jones CGAM. The PhD offers excellent training in GCM sensitivity studies, diagnosis of GCM physical and dynamical processes and the use of observational data for diagnostic studies. The student would investigate circulation statistics in the observations and analyses prior to investigation the fidelity of the Hadley Circulation in an integration of the UM model. Hypotheses concerning processes that may influence the development of the Hadley Circulation will be tested by performing sensitivity tests with the UM.

We would require the student to attend the NERC GFD Summer School.

Professor A O'Neill


The water vapour distribution in the upper troposphere plays a major role in determining the greenhouse effect of the Earth. At present there is a debate concerning the impact changes in upper tropospheric water vapour could have on the feedback associated with the greenhouse effect, and a critical problem relevant to climate change is the development of an understanding of the distribution of upper tropospheric water vapour in general circulation models (GCMs). This PhD project proposes to use observation and numerical experimentation (in particular GCMs) to address the issue of water vapour variability in the upper troposphere and the transport of water vapour between the tropics and the extra-tropics.

This project will use water vapour observations from satellite platforms and meteorological data from the UK Meteorological Office (UKMO) and the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF), sophisticated numerical techniques such as contour advection and a hierarchy of models which includes GCMs, and state-of-the-art radiance algorithms. The project offers excellent training in a variety of disciplines relevant to atmospheric science. The student would perform studies of the water vapour climatology prior to analysing the distribution of upper tropospheric water vapour in GCMs, and transport between the tropics and extra-tropics. Numerical experimentation will be used to test transport mechanisms, and radiance calculation with be used to test the nature of the signature of the satellite measurements. The analysis will include quantification of the exchange of air between the tropics and the extra-tropics.

The student will attend the NERC GFD school if it is deemed appropriate.

Professor A O'Neill


Recent observations (e.g., Schmitz and McCartney, J. Mar. Res., 1993) and numerical experiments (e.g., Spall, J. Mar. Res., 1995) reveal intense recirculating gyres in the abyssal ocean, most likely driven by the interaction of eddies with bottom topography. These recirculations interupt the global thermocline conveyorbelt, the key manifestation of the ocean in global climate; understanding and parameterising their cause is an urgent priority for climate modeling.

The mechanism proposed here combines elements from two competing theories of eddy parameterisation: (i) Gent and McWilliams (J. Phys. Oceanogr., 1990), in which eddies adiabatically drive the ocean towards a state of rest where the isopycnals are flat; and (ii) Holloway (J. Phys. Oceanogr., 1992) in which eddies drive the ocean towards an equilibrium state dominated by finite topography-following currents - the ``Neptune'' effect. The idea is to augment the key hypothesis of Gent and McWilliams - that eddies adiabatically extract potential energy from the mean flow - with additional constraints such as the global conservation of potential vorticity. One can show that the minimum potential energy state, towards which eddies will drive the mean flow, will no longer be a state of rest, but an inviscid, adiabatic circulation with finite currents around topographic features. Such topographically-steered circulations have recently been obtained and discussed for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current by Marshall (J. Phys. Oceanogr., 1995). The student will explore these issues through experimenting with a layered numerical ocean model. Details of the eddy-topography interaction will be diagnosed and compared with the above hypothesis with a view to improving our understanding, and the parameterisation, of eddy-topography interaction in the ocean.

The student will receive a formal training in ocean/atmosphere dynamics through attending lectures from our MSc courses; support is also requested for the student to participate in the 1997 Cambridge summer school.

Dr D Marshall

The prediction of sub-synoptic scale precipitation

The research will investigate atmospheric factors influencing the deterministic prediction (analysis and forecasting) of mesoscale surface precipitation fields. It will exploit the HYREX database, with particular reference to the mesoscale (Unified) model predictions of atmospheric water balance during significant rainfall events observed over southern Britain, and supporting surface and radar observations. A particular objective will be to quantify the sensitivity of numerical model predictions to perturbations in the model's initial (analysed) state. Variational methods will be used to investigate the impact of representativity and other errors in the specification of thermodynamic, humidity and kinematic variables will be relevant to the problem of improving precipitation forecasting for hydrological applications.

The student will take selected components of the taught MSC courses, including advanced lectures in mesoscale meteorology and hydrology. Training will be provided in relevant areas of data analysis, numerical methods and computing.

Dr M A Pedder


Many studies have shown that there exists marked interannual variability in the Sahelian rainfall and that associated with this the African easterly jet varies in strength and latitude. The jet plays an important role in the Sahelian rainfall. Despite the crucial role of the jet, its maintenance and interannual variability are not well understood.

With ECMWF reanalyses available, this project will examine the interannual variability of the jet. This will include a detailed diagnostic study of how the jet is forced and will include an examination of moist and dry convection, radiation, waves and also the northerly inflow into the jet entrance. Indeed, since this inflow emanates from a region of decent in the Mediterranean, known to be associated with the Asian monsoon, this study will also investigate possible links between Asian monsoon and African monsoon variability.

The student will attend courses from the MSc in 'Weather,Climate and Modelling' and will attend the NERC Geophysical Fluid Dynamics School. The student will become familiar with physical parameterisations used in NWP models and will receive a broad training in atmospheric science.

Dr C D Thorncroft


Rainfall data in the tropics is important because of its influence on large scale atmospheric dynamics and its relevance to human life. Real time rainfall data are used to identify crop shortfalls and give warning of flood, famine or locust plagues. Over Africa, the only feasible rainfall estimations on time scales<1 month are tgose based on satellite imagery. The Department of Meteorology has been at the forefront of the development of operational systems based on Meteosat TIR data. Now improvements in satellite coverage and cheap computer power allow sophisticated approaches. The student will develop a neural network approach for classifying weather systems in terms of rainfall rate. This aproach rather than a deterministic approach is desirable because there is inadequate understanding of the relationship between the available measured bariables. A back propogation-type network will probably be most useful trained with raincloud examples. The input date fields for the network would include passive and active microwave and TIR brightness temperature and texture from satellites, surface based raingauge and radar, and NWP products such as windshear, preciptable water and vertical velocity. While the emphasis of this project would be rainfall estimation in Africa, the algorithms developed should be useful in other areas of the tropics and possibly also in mid latitudes.

Dr D I F Grimes


The Palaeoclimate Model Intercomparison Project (PMIP) is a major international project aimed at understanding the climate sensitivity. The project is supported by the WCRP (WGNE) and by the IGBP (PAGES). More than 12 climate modelling groups are running experiments for the mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum (6000 years ago, and 21,000 years ago respectively). The results are being compared to see which aspects of the predictions are robust and which are model dependent. The results are also compared to the geological record. A number of sub-projects have been developed, including the study of mid-latitude change at both 6 and 21 kyrBP.

The proposed studentship will contribute to these subprojects by examining the changes in low frequency variability. Frequently, this aspect of the palaeoclimate GCM simulations has not been studied, yet it is an important component of the circulation changes. In particular, the large changes in storm tracks at the Last Glacial Maximum causes changes in the pattern of atmospheric blocking in the Atlantic sector. The student will analyse these changes and search for changes in the structure of any underlying attractors (using an appropriate EOF sub-space). Results for several modelling groups will be compared. The work will also be compared to the present day simulation and will help improve our understanding of the processes that control the maximum in blocking which occurs over the UK.

The student will be expected to attend our MSc course, and will also get a broad training in numerical and computational skills related to climate modelling. The involvement on this international research programme will provide an excellent basis for a training in research.

Dr P J Valdes

Section b

Research grants by non NERC sources.

The Development of an Air Quality Model for the UK

The aim of this research project is to develop a simple, but flexible, numerical model of urban air quality. Poor air quality on our cities can lead to the costly deterioration materials (e.g. car tyres), to the disruption of photosynthesis in plants and, most importantly, to both acute and chronic (long term) effects on human health. An air quality model, which relates pollutant emissions to their atmospheric concentrations, can be used to investigate the effects of emissions controls on atmospheric concentration, or to plan the control of air pollution episodes. In conjunction with suitable observation, such a model can also be used to test our understanding of the processes contributing to air pollution. Air quality modelling in the UK to date has been based on trajectory models which contain a detailed treatment of chemical processes but neglect the mixing caused by turbulent eddy motions. It is therefore proposed to develop a new model based on the atmospheric diffusion equation. The research project will involve the development of numerical representations of the following processes: advection and diffusion on a variable resolution model grid, with grid points concentrated in the region of interest (e.g. the South East of England); sources of pollutants; gas-phase photochemistry; and the wet and dry deposition of pollutants. The student will gain a thorough understanding of the physical and chemical processes governing urban air quality, an excellent grounding in numerical methods (taught courses are provided), presentation skills and an appreciation of how an air quality model can help guide policies to improve air quality.

Dr D J Fish

Section c

International students often wish to define a research project in consultation with members of staff. This list of research interests will help to suggest the areas of work which are possible. Students are recommended to contact the relevant staff to discuss their ideas for a research project.

Dr S Belcher (Email:

Ongoing research currently includes boundary layer flow over complex terrain, pollution despersion in the urban environment and air-sec interaction. There remains many interesting topics to be studied in air-sec interaction and I am particularly interested in breaking waves.

Professor K Browning (Email:

Studies of the mesoscale structure and mechanisms of cyclonic and/ or convective weather systems, using limited-area and/or mesoscale NWP model products together with detailed analyses of ground-based radar, satellite, and other observations.

Dr G C Craig (Email:

My research interests are in theoretical and numerical studies of atmospheric dynamics, particularly balanced flows and those involving cumulus convection.

Dr D J Fish (

Dr Fish's research interests involve atmospheric chemistry and include the following: studies to investigate the courses of stratospheric ozone depletion at middle latitudes (e.g. J.Geophys. Res., 100, 18863, 1995): and studies aimed at quantifying the major processes that govern air quality in British cities. In order to tackle the issue of urban air quality, a new numerical model of regional air quality is being developed. The model will be used to plan and interpret measurements of atmospheric composition in urban environment. In addition to the studentship described here, it is also hoped to gain NERC funding for a studentship to study bromine chemistry (important for stratospheric ozone depletion) in the laboratory. The studentship, which will be based in the Department of Chemistry, will also involve numerical modelling of atmospheric chemistry and will be jointly supervised by Dr George Marston and Dr Fish.

Dr D I F Grimes (

Research areas for potential PhD supervision:

Area rainfall estimation particularly using satellite data and particularly in the African region.

Water budget studies using remotely sensed data.

Use of satellite based rainfall estimates in NWP models (validation or assimulation)

Dr R G Harrison (Email:

Dr Harrison has research interests in urban pollution and micrometeorological measurements, with particular emphasis on aerosol behaviour. Turbulent flux and spectral measurements using fast response instruments are also on area of current research. He is also prepared to supervise projects concerned with atmospheric electrical activity, both within clouds and under fair weather conditions.

Professor B J Hoskins (Email:

Professor Hoskins is interested in supervising projects on the general circulation, including aspects such as cyclones and storm-tracks, stationary waves, interseasonal oscillations and monsoons. The approach will be through experimentation with idealized numerical models or GCMs, and diagnosis of data, including the reanalyses for the last decade produced by ECMWF.

Dr A J Illingworth (Email:

Dr Illingworth's research includes radar observation of clouds and precipitation using dual polarization and Doppler wind measurements.

Dr I N James (Email:

Dr James will supervise projects on the global atmospheric circulation using simple global circulation models or data in the form of archived NWP analyses. Much of his research is concerned with non-linear baroclinic transients. He also has interests in the circulation of planetary atmospheres and in non-linear problem in geophysical fluid dynamics generally.

Dr M A Pedder (Email: M/

Dr Pedder's research interests are in atmospheric data analysis, regional weather systems and precipition forecasting.

Dr D Marshall (Email:

Dr Marshall is interested in supervising projects making use of idealised numerical models and/or climatological data to study the large-scale ocean circulation and its impact on climate.

Professor A O'Neill (Email:

Projects Professor O'Neill would be prepared to supervise:

Use of satellite data to study large-scale dynamics and transport in atmosphere.

Use of general circulation and mechanistic models to study the evolution of the middle atmosphere on timescales from days to decades.

Studies of coupled phenomena in the atmosphere: coupling between dynamics and photochemistry; coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean.

Dr K P Shine (Email:

Dr Shine's research concentrates on detailed numerical modelling of radiative processes in the Earth's atmosphere. This includes the effects of changing concentrations of gases and aerosols on the planetary radiation budget, the modelling of surface ultra-violet radiation and the role of clouds. Simple models are also used to study the impact of changes in atmospheric composition.

Dr C D Thorncroft (

Main areas of research include synoptic weather systems in the tropics including easterly waves and tropical cyclones. Using a mixture of numerical models, NWP products and observations including satellite data, the structure and evolution of such system are investigated. This work also involves the study of the interannual variability of these systems and their relationship to the variability of the large-scale flow, especially in African, Atlantic and Caribbean regions.

Professor A J Thorpe (Email:

Research projects in mesoscale meteorology involving the dynamics of small-scale weather systems such as fronts, cyclones, mountain flows, and cloud systems. The research is integrated with that of the Joint Centre of Mesoscale Meteorology with access to state-of-the art numerical models, observational methods, and weather system data-set.

Dr P J Valdes (Email:

Dr Valdes is involved in research related to global scale atmospheric dynamics and climate change. This includes the study of mid-latitude storm tracks and planetary waves. A major component of the research investigates past climate change, in the Quaternary and more distant past. Additional research interests include the treatment of the land surface in climate models.

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