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Meteorology Department - Publication List
- Frontal Wave Stability during Moist Deformation Frontogenesis Part I: Linear Wave Dynamics.
- Bishop, Craig H. & Thorpe, Alan J., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51, 852-873 (1994)
- Frontal Wave Stability during Moist Deformation Frontogenesis : Part II Linear Wave Dynamics.
- Bishop, Craig H. & Thorpe, Alan J., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51, 874-888 (1994)
- Potential vorticity and the electrostatics analogy: Quasi-Geostrophic theory.
- Bishop, Craig H. & Thorpe, Alan J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 713-731 (1994)
- Structure of a Frontal Cyclone.
- Browning, K.A & Roberts, N.M.., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1535-1557 (1994)
- An idealized study of African easterly waves II: a nonlinear view.
- Thorncroft, C.D. & Hoskins, B.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 983-1015 (1994)
- An idealized study of African easterly waves I: a linear view.
- Thorncroft, C.D. & Hoskins, B.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 953-982 (1994)
- Life- cycle of a frontal cyclone.
- Browning, K.A., Meteorological Applications, 1, 233-235 (1994)
- The influence of Antarctica on the momentum budget of the southern extratropics.
- Juckes, M.N. James, I.N. & Blackburn, M, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1017-1044 (1994)
- Studies of the radiative properties of ice and mixed phase clouds.
- Sun, Zhian & Shine, Keith P, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 111-137 (1994)
- An observational and theoretical study of the radiative properties of cirrus.
- Francis, P.N. , Jones, A., Saunders, R.W. Shine, K.P., Slingo, A. & Sun, Z., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 809-848 (1994)
- Storm tracks in a high resolution GCM with doubled carbon dioxide.
- Hall, N. Hoskins, B.J., Valdes, P. & Senior, C.A., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1209-1230 (1994)
- Wave-zonal interaction and ultra-low frequency variability in a simplified global circulation model.
- James, P.M., Fraedrich, K. & James, I. H., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1045-1067 (1994)
- Linear dynamics of wind waves in coupled turbulent air-water flow.
- Belcher, S. E., Harris, J.A. & Street, R.L., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 271, 119-151 (1994)
- Drift, partial drift and Darwin's proposition.
- Eames, I. Belcher, S.E. & Hunt, J.C.R., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 275, 201-223 (1994)
- Krypton- 85 Pollution and Atmospheric Electricity.
- Harrison, R.G., Atmospheric Environment, 28, 637-648 (1994)
- A One -Dimensional Study of Possible Cirrus Cloud Feedbacks.
- Sinha, Ashok & Shine, Keith P, Journal of Climate, 7, 158-173 (1994)
- Radioactive Aerosol Charging with Spatially Varying Ion Concentrations.
- Clement, C.F., Calderbank, D.M.J. & Harrison, R.G., Journal of Aerosol Science, 25, 623-637 (1994)
- Atmospheric general circulation models of the Jurassic.
- Valdes, Paul, Phil Trans Roy Soc London (B), 341, 317-326 (1993)
- Climate Sensitivity and Tropical Moisture Distribution.
- Sinha, Ashok, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 3707-3716 (1994)
- A Simple Method of Dopplerizing a Pulsed Magnetron Radar.
- Li, Hua, Illingworth, A.J. & Eastment, Jon, Microwave Journal, 226-236 (1994)
- Evolution of the Stratosphere during Northern Winter 1991/2 from UK Met. Office analyses.
- O'Neill, Alan. Grose, W.L.,Pope, V.D., Maclean, H. & Swinbank, R., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51, 2800- (1994)
- Satellite-derived rainfall estimates over Africa: Validation & use in monitoring climate change.
- Dugdale, G., Proc NATO Advanced Research Workshop (1993)
- Remote Sensing for Agricultural Meteorology.
- Milford, James R, (In) Handbook of Agricultural Meteorology, 102-114 (1994)
- Contribution of Meteorological Satellites to agriculture & hydrological hazard warning.
- Grimes, D., Dugdale, G. & Milford, J.R., Proc Royal Society Meeting on Natural Hazards (1994)
- Introduction to Circulating Atmospheres.
- James, Ian N., Cambridge Atmospheric & Space Science Series (1994)
- Radiative Forcing due to Changes in Ozone.
- Shine, Keith P. et al, (In) Atmospheric Ozone as a Climate Gas (1995)
- Mesoscale convective complexes in Sahelian Africa as observed by Meteosat.
- Haile, M. Milford, J.R. & Dugdale, G., Proc 10th Meteosat Users Confererce, 255-266 (1994)
- Rainfall Estimation over Southern Africa (Poster Display).
- Thorne, Virginia A, Proc 10th Meteosat Users Confererce (1994)
- 'Weather Typing' Studies over West Africa using METEOSAT and other Data.
- Dugdale, G,. Milford, J.R.& Thorncroft, C., Proc 10th Meteosat Users Confererce, 227-236 (1994)
- Report of COST 75 Working Group Three: Multiparameter Radars.
- Illingworth, A.J., COST 75 Int Seminar on Advanced Weather Radar (1994)
- Development of an Atlantic Frontal Wave During IOP 3 of Fronts 92.
- Clough, Sid A. & Davitt, Clare S.A, Procs Int Symp Life Cycles of Extratropical, 2, 151-56 (1994)
- Diagnostic Study of a Narrow cold-frontal rainband & severe winds associated with a stratospheric.
- Browning, K.A. & Reynolds, R., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 235-57 (1994)
- Mean climate & transience in the UGAMP GCM: Sensitivity to convective parametrization.
- Slingo, J., Blackburn, M.,Betts, A., Brugge, R., Hodges, K. Hoskins, B.,Miller, M. Steenman-Clark, L. &, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 881-922 (1994)
- The impact of changing the horizontal diffusion scheme on the northern winter climatology of a general.
- Stephenson, David B, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 211-226 (1995)
- Simulation of the semi-annual oscillation of the equatorial middle atmosphere using the Extended UGAMP.
- Jackson, D.R. & Gray, L.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1559-88 (1994)
- Tides in the extended UGAMP GCM.
- Jackson, D.R., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 120, 1589-1611 (1994)
- On the Thermodynamics of Subduction.
- Marshall, David & Marshall, John, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 138- (1995)
- The Direct Response to Tropical Heating in a Baroclinic Atmosphere.
- Jin, Feifei & Hoskins, Brian J., Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52, 307-19 (1995)
- Use of a flux-limited scheme for vertical advection in a GCM.
- Thuburn, J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 119, 469-87 (1993)
- Baroclinic wave life cycles, climate simulations & cross isenotrope mass flow in a hybrid isenotropic GCM.
- Thuburn, J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 119, 489-508 (1993)
- Dissipation and cascades to small scales in numerical models using a shape preserving advection scheme.
- Thuburn, J., Monthly Weather Review, 123, 1888-1903 (1995)
- Stratospheric modelling within UGAMP.
- Thuburn, J., ECMWF Workshop on the Stratosphere & Numerical (1993)
- First results from a 3-dimensional middle atmospheric model.
- Gray, L.J.,Blackburn, M.,Chipperfield,M.P.,Haigh, J.D., Jackson, D.R., Shine, K.P. Thuburn, J. & Zhong,W., Advances in Space Research, 363-372 (1993)
- Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) - Intraseasonal Oscillations in 15 Atmospheric GCMs -.
- Slingo, J.M. et al, WCRP 88 (1995)
- The role of ozone induced diabatic heating anomalies in the quasi-biennial oscilletion.
- Dingmin Li, K.P. Shine & Gray, L.J., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 937-943 (1995)
- Simulated sensitivity of the earth's radiation budget to changes in cloud properties.
- Sinha, A. & Shine, K.P., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 797-819 (1995)
- Has Human Activity Changed Our Climate?.
- Shine, K.P., Rainbow Newsletter, 3-4 (1995)
- The effect of anthropogenic sulfate and soot aerosol on the clear sky planetary radiation budget.
- Haywood, J.M. & Shine, K.P., Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 603-606 (1995)
- Workshop on weather Radar polarimetry for research and operational applications.
- Illingworth, Anthony J. & Zrnic, Dusan, Bulletin American Meteorological Soc, 76, 555-558 (1995)
- On the thermodynamics of subduction.
- Marshall, David & Marshall, John, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 138-151 (1995)
- On the feedback or the Rhines-Young pool on the ventilated thermocline.
- Liu, Z., Pedlosky, J., Marshall, David & Warncke, T, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 1592- 96 (1993)
- Resonance of Fofonoff's Mode in a Rotated Basin.
- Marshall, David, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 970-978 (1993)
- A comparison of two radiation schemes for calculating UV radiation.
- de F. Forster, P.M. & Shine, Keith P., Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 1113-31 (1995)
- Title Unknown.
- Ju, Jianhua & Slingo, Julia, Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol Soc, 121, 1133-1168 (1995)
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Last updated 7 August 1995. This page is maintained by J.P.Lander@Reading.ac.uk.