Weekly Web Stats!
UMBC Web Statistics
Statistics for 7 days starting 0:00 09/Mar/1996 and ending 23:59 15/Mar/1996
Total HTTP accesses: 143903
- 47407 (32.94%) originated within UMBC
- 96496 (67.06%) originated outside of UMBC
Total index accesses: 231
Average accesses per day: 20557.6
Top 20 URL's accessed and their access counts:
(excluding .gif and .jpg files)
/Count:key=/home/student-fac.html 1743
/cgi-bin/phsearch 1437
/~jstron1/bnb.html 1311
/~jstron1/simpsons.html 1189
/phsearch.html 875
/~korenman/wmst/forums.html 866
/Count:key=/~curnoles/aokweb.html 837
/cgi-bin/umsearch 833
/~curnoles/aokweb.html 805
/Count:key=/home/department-servers.html 694
/~jstron1/spam.html 618
/~viancour/dept/depthome.html 544
/Count:key=/student/courses.html 536
/Count:key=~/skim12/index.html 534
/~farabaug/BIOL100.html 405
/~craig/cell/notes.html 390
/Count:key=~cnhan2/www/index.html 389
/Count:key=/home/library-internet.html 362
/~craig/cell 356
Top 20 accessing sites outside of UMBC and their access counts:
www-j2.proxy.aol.com 294
www-f5.proxy.aol.com 277
crimpshrine.atext.com 273
fourteen.srv.lycos.com 254
www-h5.proxy.aol.com 250
www-e6.proxy.aol.com 199
www-d4.proxy.aol.com 198
www-c5.proxy.aol.com 193
www-h3.proxy.aol.com 188
www-j3.proxy.aol.com 182
bmahoney.bates.edu 180
www-h7.proxy.aol.com 180
www-h1.proxy.aol.com 172
www-e7.proxy.aol.com 169
M102-167.bgsu.edu 163
www-h8.proxy.aol.com 161
piweba3y-ext.prodigy.com 160
www-b6.proxy.aol.com 155
www-b5.proxy.aol.com 154
www-e8.proxy.aol.com 153
Questions or Comments? Send email to systems@umbc.edu.