University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

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"To enhance the quality of life of rural and urban people through teaching, research and outreach programs focused on human activity, food, fiber and natural resource systems."

On August 21, 1995, the University of Illinois, College of Agriculture was reorganized into the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Several previously existing departments were merged and/or divided in order to consolidate efforts and research. This reorganization was undertaken in response to the changes in the agricultural environment since the College's inception.

The new hierarchy is illustrated in the outline of the College's structure.

The College Administration, in addition to the traditional roles of budget and program oversight, controls several college-wide resources and units. In addition, Administration has the responsibility for the College's Extension & Outreach and Research programs.

The College now has seven Academic Units, each of which has purview over a separate general area within the broad reach of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. In addition to the vitally important academic role, each department carries an equally important research responsibility.

Computer & Information Technologies:

Within the college, there are a number of units (at various levels within the college structure) which provide various Computer and Information-related services. These services range from Extension and Outreach, which facilitates public access to information & research, to units which provide computer related support and services to students, faculty, and staff within the College.

The College is a leader in incorporating advances in computer technologies in both its research programs and instructional curricula. One major result of this is the improved access of students to class resources and information via the Internet (WWW). The Discovery System is a prime example of the College's integration of academics and the internet. In addition to academic uses, several research projects also have information accessible via the Internet.

In addition to course materials, a number of registered student organizations affiliated with the college also have an on-line presence.

Other Links of Interest:

Though technically not part of the College, there are a number of other closely affiliated units and agencies. The College, and its units, are involved in many collaborative projects with State and Federal agencies, as well as with other educational institutions.

Also available is a list of Agriculture colleges at other Universities, as well as a list of Other agriculture related resources.

You can participate in a Dialogue with the College of ACES, The On-Line Public Forum of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. In addition, College of ACES mailing lists are available.

You can also find out more about the College's new logo, about this server, and about these pages.

ACES UofI University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

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last modified: 9:09am on 2/21/96