ser Archive Index


Index to the Archive

This is the general index to sci.econ.research.

Almost all posts from s.e.r. have been concatanated into one file, and compressed, called ser.compiled.*.Z (where the * represents the month of the last addition to the file, followed by a numerical range representing the total number of articles included in the file, and the Z indicates Unix compression). Furthermore, there is a "tarred and compressed" file of the entire archive, ser.tar.Z.

During the early days of ser, the archive was broken into a group of topical collections, which categories are available on the archive. During several months of 1994, the monthly posts were broken down and indexed. Since February 1994, all months have compilation files, Unix mail files containing all posts from the given month. These files can be found under "Monthly.compilations."

Most subdirectories are indexed. My convention is to use first-character upper-case for Directory names, with the exception of INDICES; index files are indicated by the word INDEX as a name-segment, all upper-case.

GENERAL ARCHIVE - the complete compilation of all posts to s.e.r. This is a very large, compressed file (approximately 3.5 Mb).

Abstracts abstracts of working papers

Apr94 compilation of April 1994 posts, see local index for topics

Aug94 compilation of August 1994 posts

Bibliography requests for papers, other general bibliographics

Conferences list of conferences announced, calls for papers, with dates

Digest all "research digest" posts

Econ.of.information Discussions of the Economics of Information

Education Discussions about educating economists

Environment Environmental Economics

FAQ all postings of informational sources, including mailing lists

Feb94 Compilation of February 1994 posts

Finance Financial Economics

GA Genetic Algorithms

Game Theory Game Theory

General General Topics, before monthly compilations were started

Health Discussions, etc., about Health Economics

Institutes, etc Various economic institutes, groups, etc.

Jobs Listing of Jobs available

March94 Compilation of posts from March 1994; see local index for topics

May94 Compilation of posts from May 1994

Monthly compilations Compilations of files, by month, not sub-sorted

NAFTA Discussion of NAFTA

Papers Research papers submitted in whole

Pol-Econ "special" threads gated from Pol-Econ

Q-and-A questions and answer threads

Reviews book reviews

Software Computer software used in Economics

Surveys Surveys, advertised, results?

Taxes Things about taxes

Trade International and Trade

Translations Requests for article translations