Centre for Interactive Systems and Telematics

under construction

This is a federation of researchers and other academics across many disciplines at the University of Wales, Bangor who have an interest in digital interactive sytems.

news about a MAJOR European Programme on Telematic Technolgy in Education

Mae'n drwg geni dydy y fersiwn Cymreg ddim yn barod eto.

On these pages we describe:

  1. Our current work
  2. Our past work
  3. Ideas for future work and invite partners
  4. Intersts of individual members of the federation
  5. Weblife A magazine which contains thought pieces on Edge Technology
  6. CyberTafarn... Our places to hang out and read magazines

Current Work

The Colleges TLTP funded CAL Project has a server .

Networks in Higher Education

A project partly funded by the National Council for Educational Technology, but largely out of our own resources. Part of this work is this server. Our aim is to support our students at a distance. We have teachers in training who are supported by teacher-mentors. they are in schools across North Wales. We are providing a Bulletin Board/ Conference/Email system for these students and their mentors. We also have in excess of 100 Master's students who are serving education professionals who come from UK and Eire. They only attend 10 days per annum. We are endeavouring to build distance electronic support using similar technologies.

Our undergraduates will gain access to news, course documentation and working papers by using this system eventually. Further we have in place software which will allow for peer to peer cooperative learning across networks which will be our next stage in development.

Two (short) papers which describe some experiences in this work are here:

Atlantis Project: Teaching Interpersonal Skills

This is a project which was funded by the Commisiion for the European Communities, under the EUROFORM programme. CD-Rom based multimedia material templates have been created, which provide case history of humans acting in professional positions, possibilities of hearing commentaries on these case studies as provided by the parties and external experts, and software to model interpesonal behaviour were created by the project. The materail has been developed using Nursery Nurse education as a vehicle.

For further information on Atlantis click here