Weathertop WWW Page


Hey there! We are Weathertop, a folk rock band out of NYC with scads(scads?) of original music and absolutely no sense. Thusly we are interested in seeing if we can get you to fall in love with us, our music, and our designs to overwhelm western civilization. So check out our home page and don't be frightened. We are not so bad if you get to know us and we really had nothing to do with it. We swear. We were in the shower at the time.

Who are we?

Christopher ( is the eldest member of the bunch. He plays guitar, recorder, drums and sings lots of the time. He also writes lovely songs and has the best wife of the three of us. She draw these neato pictures of us that make us look like we have no lips. (We do...) Thanks Delia. Yes Chris's beard is coming in nicely, thanks for asking. We are very proud.

is Delano(, our harmonica player and also of course drummer as we all need to play drums since we are liberated men. Delano's hair looks nice down but it gets in his face and then he can't see us cue him to stop soloing Really, it is for your own good. He can go on for ever. Also does a great imitation of an EKG. I know thats worth the price of the ticket alone, but we also play music.

is me( I actually have less or more of a beard most of the time and again I do reiterate that we all have mouths. Oh, my name is David, and I don't like talking about myself unless I get paid.

What's here?

Well lots of stuff and more on the way.

There is a journal of our performances here that will grow as we get more gigs. That has links to an address book filled with info on places we have/will play.

Our Schedule

Yes we do have future gigs. We just distributed our demo tape and we expect to play atleast once a week in the NYC area. We can also gig at colleges if someone wants to get us one of those gigs. Click here for the ones we know of as of now.

Demo Tapes

We will be putting up digitization of some of our songs. If you would like a demo tape we can send it to you for nada. It is a good demo off of a dat master.

Jericho Falls (2.3 Meg) by Christopher Derhammer.

All rights reserved, Copyright 1994, no distribution allowed without consent of Christopher Derhammer.

Contact Us

You can reach us at We look forward to hearing from you.
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