What AVISO/Altimetry is

The AVISO/Altimetry center, in Toulouse, France, is the French Active Archive Data Center for multi-satellite altimeter missions. Its first task is to serve the U.S./French TOPEX/POSEIDON mission (satellite launched on August 1992). Our main activities today are:

AVISO/Altimetry may also serve future missions such as GEOSAT FOLLOW ON, ENVISAT, TOPEX/POSEIDON FOLLOW ON. As time goes by, our work will be increasingly to generate and distribute homogeneous long-term data series from muti-satellite altimeter missions.

AVISO/Altimetry was developed by CNES, the French Space Agency,

with assistance from its subsidiary CLS and science teams

involved in altimetry. It is run by CLS.

Besides AVISO/Altimetry, CLS has been responsible for:

Frédérique Blanc, Webmaster
Email: blanc@atlas.cnes.fr
Phone: +33 Fax: +33
Toulouse, France