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Undergraduate Admissions

The Office of Undergraduate Admission and Relations with Schools Home Page provides undergraduate admissions information for prospective applicants and their families.

Graduate Admissions

UC Berkeley Graduate Admissions Information

UC Berkeley Graduate Division (Graduate Student Services, including admissions) (Gopher)

The Graduate Division does not have an email address for general inquiries.

Write to the department of your choice to request an application (University of California, Berkeley; Berkeley, CA 94720). You may request information from several departments, but you may apply to only one. Application booklets are available in mid-August and should be requested at least 30 days before the department's deadline to apply. Some departments may charge to mail application materials to addresses outside the United States.

Please note that the College of Natural Resources departments have been reorganized into a new Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. However, the graduate programs will continue.


+Students are not admitted to work for the M.A./M.S. degree, although it may be awarded to students pursuing the after fulfillment of the appropriate requirements.

^Admissions currently suspended.

Updated 02/21/96