Graduate Theses
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Index of Abstracts
This is a list of the abstracts from Carleton University's civil
and environmental engineering graduate theses from 1991 to the
present. The abstracts are listed alphabetically by author. If you
wish, you may also
search for a particular topic.
Doctor of Philosophy
- Al-Joulani, Nabil M.A. -
Laboratory and Analytical Investigations of Sleeve Reinforced Stone
- Benichou, Noureddine -
Behaviour of Webs of Rolled Steel Shapes Subjected to Concentrated
- Chandrashaker, Rajagopalan
- Seismic Analysis of Gravity Dam-Reservoir-Foundation System
Using an Effective Hybrid Technique
- Davis, Dennis G. - The Travel
Time Predictability Perspective: A Basis for the Use of Driver Quality
of Service in Traffic Management
- Ferzli, Khalil Y. - A
Comprehensive Integrated Modelling Framework for the Optimization of
Transit Operator Workforce Planning and Management
- Hu, Caifeng - Applications of the
Boundary Element Method to Plates on Elastic Foundations
- Ibrahim, Khaled S. -
Inelastic Behaviour of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: An Experimental
and Analytical Study
- Kashif, Ahmed Hassan - Dynamic
Response of Highway Bridges to Moving Vehicles
- Li, Hangang - Thin-Walled Box Beam
Finite Elements for Static Analysis of Curved Haunched and Skew
Multicell Box Girder Bridges
- Liu, Changjiang - Design of
Plywood Sheathed Wood Floors and Roofs
- Mohamed, El Hussein Hassan -
Stripping of Asphalt Concrete Surfaces
- Mohamed, Hosny Abbas Hosny -
Development of Optimal Strategies for Bridge Management Systems
- Wang, Hou - Application of Full
Displacement Pressuremeter in Silty Soils
- Wu, Xiuyuan - Seismic Behaviour of
Clay Embankment Dams
- Xia, Hong - Effective Analytical
Techniques for the Dynamic Analysis of Structures
- Yue, Zhongqi - Mechanics of Rigid
Disc Inclusions in Fluid Saturated Poroelastic Media
- Zeng, Xianguang - Earthquake
Response Analysis of Unanchored Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks
- Zhao, Yijun - Strength and
Deformation Behaviour of Geogrid Reinforced Soils
Master of Engineering
- Atta-Armah, Richard - Ramp
Metering Methodology: The Ottawa-Carleton Case
- Bond, James - Inelastic Membrane
Analysis of Continuous Steel Plates
- Chang, Yen - An Integrated
Experimental-Numerical Frost Heave Prediction Model
- Chmelicek, Jan -
Determination of Loads Acting on Surfaces of Structural Steel
Buildings in Canada
- Cunningham, Michael -
Relative Permeability Measurements for Two Phase Flow Through Low
Permeability Soils
- Devitt, Bridget Anne - The
Design, Analysis and Detailing of Bolted and Welded Simple Steel
- El-Herraoui, Moin - Crack
Control in Reinforced Concrete Slabs Using Polymer Grids
- Gervais, Mario - Effects of the
Properties of Geogrids on Reinforced Asphalt Pavements
- Groulx, Jean-Guy Joseph -
Investigation of Wood Flexural Members Reinforced with Glass Fibers
- Hamwi, Bassam G. - Propensity for
Ridesharing: Key Factors
- Hansen, John C.S. - Large Truck
Urban Access Study
- He, Xing - The Shear Connector
Behaviour for Steel-Wood Composite Bridges
- He, Yuxiang - Interactive Design of
Flexural Steel Members Subjected to Bending, and Combined Bending and
- Hoque, Zaydul - Seismic Response
of Retaining Walls
- Kirkhope, Robert J. -
Behaviour of Webs of Welded Wide Flange Shapes Subjected to
Concentrated Loads
- Khodadadi-Darban, A. -
The Effect of Compaction Method on the Fatigue Life and Elasto-Plastic
Properties of Asphalt Pavements
- Lu, Yuhua - Assessment of Seismic
Analysis Methods for Unreinforced Stone Masonry Towers
- Martin, B.W. - Management of
Urban Infrastructure: Recapitalization and Equilibrium Models
- Parizi, Mahamoud Saffarzadeh -
Airport Terminal Frontage Roads Capacity and Design
- Rahgozar, Mohammad Ali -
Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of Structural Base Shear
- Shirazi, Vahid Talezadeh -
Level of Service and Cost-Effectiveness at the Airport Terminal
Curbside Area: A Utility Theoretic Approach
- Srna, Petr - Development of an
Interactive Design and Analysis Program for Steel Beams-Columns
- Svecova, Dagmar -
Serviceability and Strength of Concrete Parking
Structures Reinforced by Fibre-Reinforced Plastics
- Tayyaran, Mohammad-Reza -
Increasing Job Opportunities in a Sub-Region as a Potential for
Reducing Air Pollution and Fuel Consumption
- Toscano, David - Post Yield
Behaviour of Transversely Loaded Icebreaking Ship Hull Structures
- Veizer, Robert - Design of a
Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Pavement Using the Stone Mastic Asphalt
- Wang, Daiyu - A Coupled
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Pipelines Buried in Freezing Ground
- Williams, Frederick M. - A
Design Standards Document Server
Last updated: Thurs Aug 24 10:37:30 EDT 1995
BY IVZ, Carleton University,
Ottawa, Canada.
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