Bachelor of Science or Arts in Computer Science in the Schools of Liberal Arts and Jackson

Directer: Associate Professor Anselm Blumer

The university provides programs in computer science through the College of Liberal Arts and through the College of Engineering. Students in the College of Liberal Arts may fulfill the concentration requirements in Computer Science as outlined below. Students in the College of Engineering should see the alphabetical listing in this bulletin under Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for a description of the B.S. in computer engineering and the B.S. in computer science.

Undergraduate Concentration Requirements

Major in Computer Science:

Ten courses, seven or eight in computer science and two or three courses of approved advanced work in related fields. The computer science courses must be more advanced then Computer Science 11 and must include Computer Science 15, 40, 80, 160, and 170. The related fields courses must include Mathematics 12 or 17 and Mathematics 22. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science maintains a list of courses suitable for use as a third course in a related field. The introductory courses Computer Science 5 and 11, and Mathematics 4,5, 6, and 11 do not count toward the major. No more than one Directed Study ( 193, 194 ) may be counted toward the major.

The above are minimal requirements for the concentration. For students who wish a stronger program, one or more of the following courses is recommended: Computer Science 180, Mathematics 46, 145, 161.

Tufts Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department