Electrical Engineering Classes
Spring 1996
- ES-4-EE:Introduction to Digital Logic Circuits
- Instructor:Lentz
- END-4-EE:Computer Processing of Images
- Instructor:Gonsalves
- END-15-EE:Applications of Engineering Design and
Methodology in Life Sciences
- Instructor:Toi Vo
- ENT-19-EE:Exploring Laser Light
- Instructor:Cronin-Golomb
- ENT-22-EE:Radio
- Instructor:Noonan
- EE12:Intermediate Electronics
- Instructor:Fermental
- EE13:Circuit Theory
- Instructor:Fermental
- EE15:Electric Machinery
- Instructor:Maskalenko
- EE18:Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
- Instructor:Afsar
- EE26:Digital Logic Systems
- Instructor:Chang
- EE50:Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
- Instructor:Toi Vo
- EE102:Linear Systems
- Instructor:Preis
- EE104:VLSI Systems
- Instructor:Lewis
- EE106:Advanced Feedback-Control Systems
- Instructor:Martinage
- EE108:Communcations Systems II
- Instructor:Noonan
- EE109:Optical Electronics
- Instructor:Goldner
- EE116:Quantum Electronics
- Instructor:Cronin-Golomb
- EE123:Introduction to VLSI Design
- Instructor:Lewis
- EE124:Advanced VLSI Design
- Instructor:Lewis
- EE126:Computer Engineering
- Instructor:Caporal
- EE133:Digital Image Processing
- Instructor:Gonsalves
- EE136:Antennas for Radar, Avionics, and Communications
- Instructor:Mailloux
- EE151:Thin Films Laboratory
- Instructor:Goldner
- EE160:Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Circuits
- Instructor:Chi
- EE194:Special Topics
- Instructor:Members of the Department
- EE194C:Geometrical Optics
- Instructor:Brouwer
- EE194D:Special Topics in Digital Signal Processing
- Instructor:Preis
- EE194-NL:Special Topics: "Modern Techniques for Nonlinear
Data Processing"
- Instructor:Agaian
- EE216:Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture
- Instructor:Chang
- EE294:Graduate Special Topics. (Master's Project)
- Instructor:Members of the Department
- EE296:Thesis
- Instructor:Members of the Department
- EE298:Graduate Research
- Instructor:Members of the Department
- EE401PT:Master's Degree Only
- Master's Continuation part-time.
- EE402FT:Master's Degree Only
- Master's Continuation full-time.
- EE501PT:Doctoral Degree Only
- Doctoral Continuation part-time.
- EE502FT:Doctoral Degree Only
- Doctoral Continuation full-time.