Computer Science Courses

Undergraduate Courses

5 Survey of Computer Science with HyperCard

Instructor Gonsalves

11 Introduction to Computer Science

Prerequisites: High school algebra.

Instructor Schmolze

15 Data Structures

A second course in computer science. Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 11.

Instructor Couch

40 Computer Architecture

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 15.

Instructor Krumme

80 Programming Languages

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 15.

Instructor Cruz

106 Object-Oriented Programming for Graphical User Interfaces

(Formerly Comp.Sci. 121)Prerequisite: Comp. Sci. 15.

Instructor Jacob

111 Operating Systems

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 40.

115 Database Systems

Prerequisite: Comp. Sci. 15.

Instructor Cruz

128 Numerical Linear Algebra

(Equivalent to Mathematics 128) Prerequisites: Math 46 and Comp. Sci. 11.

131 Artificial Intelligence

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 60 and either Comp. Sci. 80 or some familiarity with Lisp.

Instructor Schmolze

150G Computer Graphics

Instructor Jacob

160 Algorithms

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 15 and Math 22.

Instructor Blumer

170 Theory of Computation

(Formerly Computer Science 70) Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 15 and Math 22.

171 Human-Computer Interaction

Prerequisite: Comp. Sci. 15.

Instructor Jacob

175 Computer Graphics

Prerequisite: Comp. Sci. 15.

Instructor Jacob

180 software Engineering

181 Compilers

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 40,60,70 and 80.

Instructor Krumme

Graduate Courses

212 Operating Systems

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 111.

Instructor Krumme

232 Artificial Intelligence

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 131.

Instructor Schmolze

240 Computer Organization

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 40.

250NN Neural Networks

Instructor Blumer

250UI User Interfaces

Instructor Jacob

255 Coding Theory and Data Compression Techniques

Prerequisites: Math.46. Instructor Blumer

260 Algorithms

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 60.

265 Parallel Computation

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 240 and 260.

270 Theory of Computation

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 70, Comp. Sci. 80.

272 User Interface Software

Prerequisite: Comp. Sci. 15. Instructor Jacob

277 Data Visualization

Prerequisite: Comp. Sci. 160 or consent. Instructor Cruz

282 Code Generation and Optimization

Prerequisites: Comp. Sci. 181 and 260.

Tufts Electrical Engineering and Computer Science