4,205 Employees
DM 1.354 bn. Turnover
The Space Systems Group is headed by Werner Heinzmann, Chairman of the Board of Management of Dornier GmbH (Friedrichshafen). Daimler-Benz Aerospace, with its Space Infrastructure division and its affiliated company Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH (DSS), is leading in the European orbital programs, their operation and utilization. Through its affiliated and associated companies it is a competent and equal partner in the development and operation of new space transport systems and a strong European leader in the supply of satellite systems. Strategic alliances have been forged with the leading space companies in Europe as well as with selected transatlantic partners.
The key business of the group comprises, among other projects, participation in European and international space programs. The Space Systems Group acts as system leader in many of these programs, e.g. the Columbus Orbital Facility program (COF), a manned space module to be docked to the planned international space station Alpha, and the first free-flying and recoverable research platform Eureca. In the field of conventional and future space transportation systems, Dasa is playing a leading role in the Ariane 4 and 5 launcher business and the development of follow-on systems. In addition, Dasa is developing an Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) and new technologies for recoverable, manned European space transportation systems for the near and distant future.
Dasa's activities in the satellite sector are located at plants in Friedrichshafen and Ottobrunn and have now been brought together under the umbrella of the Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH (DSS). Both production locations will be retained, the company headquarters is in Friedrichshafen. The company is responsible for the development, construction and marketing of satellite systems, payloads, instruments, subsystems and components for civil, security and defense operations in the fields of science, earth observation, meteorology, communications and navigation. DSS is also involved in the satellite data application sector and offers a customer data service.
Among the most important projects in which DSS is involved are the Earth reconnaissance satellites ERS-1 and ERS-2 and the multi-frequency radar instrument SIR-CIX-SAR. In the role of system leader, DSS has also developed and constructed instruments used in scientific research of Outer Space: The Faint Object Camera in the Hubble Space telescope, the sun probe Ulysses, the x-ray satellite Rosat and the infrared instrument Isophot, besides other essential components, for the space-based observatory ISO, all of which are already in operation. The four cluster satellites which will carry out research into the Earth's magnetic field are at present in the prelaunch preparation phase as are the Titan probe Huygens and the stereo camera HRSC for the Russian Mars mission. DSS has developed the reusable scientific satellite Astro-Spas for the Deutsche Agentur for Raumfahrtangelegenheiten (DARA, German Space Agency) which has already completed two missions.
DSS, in cooperation with the French company Aerospatiale has been involved in the field of satellite communication for many years. At present, the partners have orders for 16 communication satellites. The order placed in 1994 for the development and construction of important subsystems for 56 Globalstar satellites means that DSS plays a key role in this satellite- based mobile telecommunications system.
In May 1993 Dasa made its entrance into the market as a satellite operator. An international consortium led by Dasa and operating with an Argentinean license is responsible for the building up and operation of a satellite-based communication system for the southern part of Latin America. "Romantis", a Dasa associated company, covers the communication service demand for the CIS countries. Dasa is also involved in the international mobile telecommunication system Globstar.
To the other Dasa business areas:
Aircraft Defense and Civil Systems Propulsion Systems
© 1996 Daimler-Benz