Daimler-Benz News from February 21, 1996

Engine with a view

Stuttgart, February 1996
Daimler-Benz researchers have been able to gain a new insight into the combustion process thanks to a "see-through" engine, a single-cylinder research engine which is transparent on all sides. They can observe the injection of the fuel and how it mixes with the air and residual gas and also where the mixture ignites and how it burns. Observation of these and other processes which are normally inaccessible or invisible give the researchers a new understanding of the combustion process, allowing them to cut fuel consumption and emissions of new engines to a minimum. At the same time, ultra-modern laser technology used in combination with new test methods and multi-dimensional simulation processes helps to reduce development times and costs.

With the aid of the "see-through" engine, the researchers can analyse in detail every individual step in the complex process of combustion and pollutant formation at any point in the combustion chamber, under real conditions. Although no equivalent substitute will be available for internal combustion engines for many decades to come, this research tool will nevertheless ensure that such engines can be adapted to fulfil ever stricter future requirements.

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