Active Account Monitoring Solutions

Your key to minimizing risk and expanding opportunity

| Severe Risk Option | Monitoring Other Critical Elements |

"Set it and forget it" was a slogan once used by a famous watchmaker to describe the reliability of his product. Once the watch owner had set the watch, it kept perfect time -- without further adjustment.

Unfortunately, business relationships aren't as constant. Whether planned or unforeseen, events occur which alter the way a company interacts with its customers, suppliers and banks.

Fortunately, Dun & Bradstreet can help you learn about the changes and events that can impact your business, allowing you to act fast and avoid loss.

Active Account Monitoring Solutions from Dun & Bradstreet can help you implement an effective account management plan, enabling proactive management based on important changes and events that may seriously impact your business. With our easy-to-use system, your company has the opportunity to improve cash flow, increase staff effectiveness and identify and eliminate the "noise" associated with receiving too much information.

Examples of D&B's Active Account Monitoring Solutions

Let D&B help you to act fast to protect your business with:

This is just a sample of D&B's active account monitoring solutions. If you haven't found what you're looking for here, please us send a message .

Or, if you prefer, in the United States you may call 1-800-846-0033. For those outside the U.S., please contact your local D&B office.

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March 15, 1996 - CMT