Planning Solutions

| Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios |

Strategic planning in today's competitive marketplace is a critical component of a successful business. The following activities make up a strong foundation for strategic planning:

Whether you're interested in one industry sector or many, in one company or groups of companies, D&B can help you plan more efficiently and effectively. D&B offers planning solutions in the form of reports, publications and software, including CD-ROMs.

Examples of D&B's Planning Solutions

Let D&B help you understand company and industry performance with:

Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios

D&B can also provide special industry studies that can help you expand your knowledge of critical industries ... and help you plan for success!

This is just one of D&B's planning solutions. If you haven't found what you're looking for here, please send a message to our D&B Planning Specialists.

Or, if you prefer, in the United States you may leave a message at 1-800-738-4638.

So that we may better serve your needs, please provide a detailed description of the type of information you're looking for.

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March 15, 1996 - CMT