Product Access

Welcome to D&B's information search and report delivery service via the World Wide Web!

D&B is one of the first companies to offer real-time search and product delivery via the Web. Using your secure browser, search D&B's vast database of more than 10 million U.S. companies at no charge to locate businesses that you are interested in. Whether you're seeking information on a large conglomerate or a small, local shop, chances are you can find what you need in D&B's information base. Our information includes companies of all sizes - - about 98% are hard-to-find privately held firms!

Currently, we're offering the Business Background Report - - which provides useful information on a U.S. company's history and operations, business background of its management, special events and recent newsworthy items D&B has learned of -- for just $20.00 (U.S.) per report. See a sample report.

The Business Background Report can help you:

The steps in product retrieval are simple:

  1. Agree to D&B Terms and Conditions.
  2. Register as a user (first time only).
  3. Perform your search against D&B's database of more than 10 million U.S. companies. Note that there's no charge for searching.
  4. Once you find the company you want, enter your credit card billing details and confirm your order to receive the report. You will be charged $20.00 U.S. for each report ordered.
  5. After your credit card is authorized, the report is delivered real-time directly to you on the Web, all in a matter of seconds.

Begin D&B's Product Access

(Having trouble with this link? Check the FAQ)

Some notes on security:

  1. How security is implemented.
  2. You are required to use Netscape v1.22N (at least) or Microsoft to enter the Product Access area. Several access providers such as Prodigy, AT&T Business Network, Compuserve and Netcom either use Netscape as their browser or allow you to use Netscape with their system.

Note: You should clear any local caches currently maintained in your browser; these cached pages could cause navigation problems within our Web server.

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Copyright © 1996 Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.

Refer comments or questions to our webmaster.
March 15, 1996 - CAH