Purchasing Solutions
| Supplier Evaluation Report | Supplier Performance Review | PerformanceScope | The Critical Supplier Analysis Report | Small Business Sourcing File | Duns Directory of Service Companies | Dun's Business Locator |
Managing supplier relationships is a critical component of an effective purchasing operation. The trend in business is toward a reduction in the number of critical suppliers a company should maintain, reinforcing the need to select quality suppliers and develop and maintain strong relationships with them. Consider the following guidelines:
- Identify all potential suppliers based on your purchasing needs
- Determine demographics such as size, geography, woman or minority owned and ISO 9000 registration
- Determine a predictor of risks such as non-delivery or insolvency
- Rank and choose your suppliers based on acceptable risk and your company's internal standards
D&B can help you assess your current suppliers and find new ones to meet your needs. D&B offers purchasing solutions in the form of reports, publications, supplier base analysis and software.
Examples of D&B's Purchasing Solutions
Let D&B help you find suppliers that meet your needs with:
Supplier Evaluation Report
- Currently available on more than 2,000,000 companies around the world
- Provides demographics, a risk score, financial ratios, management
background, operations and facilities detail, including ISO 9000 registration and minority/women-owned information
- Helps determine financial solvency, identify any adverse conditions, and get a feel for management background and
- Can be ordered by telephone with fax, mail delivery or online access
- Available on international suppliers
Supplier Performance Review
- Personalized evaluation of your suppliers' key performance measurements
- Trained analysts survey customers of your suppliers in seven key areas of business including
quality, delivery timeliness, and attitude of personnel
- The results of the survey are compared to industry results to provide a complete picture
of your supplier's performance relative to other providers of similar products
- PerformanceScope can help you find out quickly and cost-effectively what your customers think are your strengths and weaknesses as their supplier in regards to on-time delivery, problem responsiveness and overall satisfaction
The Critical Supplier Analysis Report
- Critical Supplier Analysis Report is prepared by an experienced industry-specific analyst using D&B information to provide an overall risk assessment of a supplier, with an overview summarizing the supplier's condition
- Performance surveys are provided, similar to the
Supplier Performance Review
Small Business Sourcing File
- Covers 200,000 U.S. small businesses including more than 39,000 minority and 55,000 women-owned
- Complies with U.S. Federal government and business regulations that require you to contract
with small businesses, minority-owned and women-owned businesses
- Powerful searching capabilities
- Available on CD-ROM or in statewide directories
- Expanded version now available with an additional 500,000 D&B identified women-owned businesses(Small Business Sourcing File)
- State-by-state guides are now available in catalog form for the Northeast section of the U.S.
Duns Directory of Service Companies
- Details 50,000 of the largest U.S. service companies
- Cross referenced alphabetically, geographically, and by Standard Industrial Classification
- Concentrates on companies with more than 50 employees in accounting, auditing and bookkeeping; advertising and public relations; architecture and engineering; consumer services; executive search; health; hospitality; management consultants; motion pictures; repair; research; social services; and law
- Available in printed directory
Dun's Business Locator
- Covers 10 million U.S. companies and tradestyles
- Companies sorted alphabetically
- Comprehensive coverage of the D&B information base
- Available on CD-ROM
Also available:
Performance Measurement Software
- A Windows®-based sofware program which helps you store performance measurements on your suppliers
- Easily transfer information to spreadsheet or graphical software to analyze the performance of your supplier base
These are just a sample of D&B's purchasing solutions. If you haven't found what you're looking for here,
please send a message to our D&B Purchasing Specialists.
Or, if you prefer, in the United States you may call 1-800-476-2446.
So that we may better serve your needs, please provide a detailed description of the type of
information you're looking for.
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March 15, 1996 - CMT