Receivable Management Solutions
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Past-due receivables represent one of the most costly problems
facing businesses today. Clearly, the receivables themselves can
spell the difference between profit and loss. One of the most
difficult and time-consuming receivables management activities
is making telephone collection calls. D&B recommends the following
guidelines to help you make the most of your efforts:
- Get or confirm the name of the person in charge of paying
- Find out the best time to reach the person you are calling
- Leave your complete name, company name, phone number and
a request for a call back. Ask the person taking the message to
repeat your name and telephone number for confirmation
- Get the name of the person taking the message
- Ask the person taking the message when the responsible party
can be reached
- Do not make a demand for payment if the individual you are
speaking with is not responsible for Accounts Payable. If asked
the purpose of your call, state that it is in reference to an
"open invoice"
- Create a sense of urgency
- Always be courteous
- Use voice mail effectively if available. Leave a detailed,
complete message and be sure to speak clearly
When you want total solutions to help you successfully manage
your receivables, turn to Dun & Bradstreet Receivable Management
Services. We have a spectrum of solutions to help you better manager
your receivables
and the rest of your business.
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March 15, 1996 - CMT