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  Using our Proxies
         Use the EUnet proxy pool
You know the feeling. That page you're trying to fetch from America has been loading for 10 minutes and you still can't see anything.

If you connect your browser to our proxy server then all your WWW connections remain local, i.e. within EUnet. The proxy server handles all requests for you. The page you want from America is actually fetched by the proxy server which then passes the page back to you.

This, on its own, would not be any faster. However, the proxy server also maintains a cache of pages, images, etc. which it has fetched before. If you fetch a page which the proxy has already fetched then that page can be returned to you directly from within the EUnet network.

And that is faster!

         How do I connect my browser to the proxy server?
This depends on which browser you are using and on which kind of computer (PC, Macintosh, UNIX/X11) you have.

Rather than detail each browser, we present here the necessary information which is common to all browsers. Please refer to the documentation for each browser for configuration details. This is either at Spry's Site for Spry Mosaic or Netscape.

ProtocolServer NamePort Number

Netscape 2.0x owners can make use of the automatic proxy configuration via JavaScript. Such a program controls under which circumstance which proxy should be used for a particular page. You only have to specify automatic proxy configuration in the Options/Network Preferences/Proxy form together with the URL

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