W4 picture archive
Note: The first one to have look at is INDEX.gif, which is an index of all the
pictures in the real archive (not all of which are here at the
For many of these pictures I don't have any annotations, so if any
readers out there appear in them or were resposible for taking them or
scanning them, please let me know and I'll add that info here.
Files in GIF format
Files in JPEG format
- wad.gif and bethany.gif
- Two pictures contributed by Paul Algren
(augs@sdiv.cray.com), the first shows Brian Stencel at
Waddell, the second is "from a windy spot on a small reservoir near
the altamont pass east of SF".
- Hanko1.jpg, Hanko1DB.jpg
- Two pictures of Juri Munkki sailing at full speed at Silversand,
Hanko, Finland, August 1991. From 8 mm PAL video by Immo Heino,
(immo@gra.vtt.fi), digital processing by Juri Munkki
- Olli1.jpg, Olli2.jpg
- Two pictures of Olli Sarkio (first is a chop-hop). Both taken by
Sanna Suominen (sasu@hut.fi) at Haukilahti, Espoo, Finland in
September 1991. Digital processing by Juri Munkki.
- PZQ1.jpg, PZQ2.jpg
- Two pictures of Petteri 'PZQ' Laine taken by Sanna Suominen and
Olli Sarkio respectively. Taken September 1991 at Haukilahti, Espoo,
Finland. Digital processing by Juri Munkki.
- Patrik1.jpg
- Patrik Gustafsson trying to hide behind his sail, Mellsten,
Haukilahti, Finland on 04/27/92. Video frame-grab and processing by
Juri Munkki.
- Slalom1.jpg, ?coming soon?
- Two shots from Haukilahti, Espoo, Finland
September 1991. Slide by Sanna Suominen, digital processing by Juri
- PaulAtWaddell03.jpg, PaulAtWaddell02.jpg, PaulAtWaddell01.jpg, TrulsAtWaddell01.jpg
- (pictures of Paul Morgan <paulmo@sco.COM> and Truls <trulsm@sco.com>, sailing at Waddell Creek, California. Digitization by Paul)
- GK_1.jpg
- GK_2.jpg
- GK_3.jpg
- GK_4.jpg
- GK_5.jpg
- GK_6.jpg
- GK_7.jpg
- GK_8.jpg
- GK_9.jpg
- GK_10.jpg
- GK_11.jpg
- GK_12.jpg
- GK_13.jpg
- GK_15.jpg
- GK_16.jpg
- GK_17.jpg
- GK_18.jpg
- pictures taken by George Kyriazis <kyriazis@mistral.esd.sgi.com> at Crissy Field, SF.
Images of surfers
Included because they are very good pictures and because on the days
in question there clearly wasn't enough wind to do any sailing...
Condon (afcondon@dsg.cs.tcd.ie)