Elenco rapporti interni
In ordine cronologico inverso
- 123-94
- Automatic Thesaurus Construction Supporting Fuzzy Retrieval
of Reusable Software
E. Damiani, M.G. Fugini
A bottleneck in software reuse is the effective selection of components based
on the requirements of new applications. Particularly when large software
libraries, or repositories of components are available, it is important to have a
complete set of development functionalities oriented to reuse, including
retrieval functionalities based both on a standard query language and on
linguistic tools supporting imprecise queries. This paper presents a fuzzy
retrieval model based on classification of reusable components in a object-
oriented repository that is a part of a development Information System. The
repository stores descriptors of the whole development process of reusable
components; these descriptors include fuzzy-weighted keyword pairs
describing components functionalities, such as provided services, needed
data, required system architectures. Fuzzy weights are computed
automatically by the system.The retrieval is supported by a Thesaurus where
a fuzzy synonymia relationship is defined. Synonymia values are used to
compute adaptability between components, i.e., how well the available
components can be used in lieu of the ones requested by the user. A
mechanism for the automatic construction of the Thesaurus is proposed. A
query mechanism for the retrieval process is also outlined.
- 122-94
- Conceptual Search among Distributed Knowledge Sources
S.A. Cerri, A.S. Fabiano
In the paper we describe how a common conceptual model of the application
domain can be used to support a cooperative and concurrent search among
loosely coupled knowledge sources distributed over a network with unknown
topology. The introduction of a conceptual level, shared among all the
knowledge sources in the net, allows to obtain independence from the logical
data organization of each node, not only from the physical as it is in the case
in DDBMS. The Navigation process is based on the conceptual model and
has been designed and developed by means of a set of cooperative agents,
with specific knowledge and abilities, that reason about the local data and and
exchange information to ensure both the communication through the net and
the information processing at each net node. In order to ensure the
comprehension of the architecture we include a worked out example in the
domain of pharmacology, where such a model and its associated domain
specific language has been realized.
- 121-94
- Le nuove tecnologie: una silenziosa rivoluzione cognitiva
G. Degli Antoni
Questa rassegna, che estende il precedente Rapporto Interno 81-90, raccoglie
alcuni scritti di Giovanni Degli Antoni, pubblicati dal 1988 al 1994 sulle idee
di Realt Artificiale, Multimedialit, Ipertesti, Reti, ed altro, al fine di
analizzarne il significato all'interno della rivoluzione cognitiva in atto nei
sistemi di comunicazione uomo-macchina e di indicarne le implicazioni
tecnologiche, economiche e sociali.
- 120-94
- Guidelines for the Identification of Basic Architectural Abstraction
F. De Paoli
The increasing interest in the architectural languages derives mainly from the
lack of architectural abstractions capturing the basic concepts with a well-
defined interface, including connectors which specify logical channels and
user-defined communication protocols; Dynamic configuration; Control
strategies, including the explicit management of time. The paper introduces a
set of architectural abstractions defined according to the principles on
minimality, completeness, and separation of concerns. After a brief survey of
the evolution of architectural languages and models, four classes of
abstractions modeling computing agents, connectors, configurators and
controllers are presented in terms of independent abstract machines. Finally
the status and the guidelines of a project, HyperReal aimed at definig and
experimenting basic architectural abstractions, are presented.
- 119-94
- A Proof-Theoretic Characterization of Constructive Negation
throgh regular Splitting
A. Momigliano, M. Ornaghi
We present a form of constructive negation based on the notion or regular
plitting, a simple tranformation technique where the failure axiom(s) of the
predicate occurring negatively in the program are split into new clauses
according to a covering of the underlying signature. This is pursued in the
framework of the proof-theoretic analysis of Horn and normal clauses
initiated in "A. Momigliano, based on the notion of regularity. We show how
normal regular programs enjoy under negation-as-failure the same properties
of Horn ones.
- 118-94
- HyperRreal: the sw Lifecycle
F. Tisato, A. Verdino
HyperReal defines an architectural model for embedded systems. The model
follows the Light-Weight Operating Software approach, that de-kernelises all
the functionalities of the system. HyperReal One (HR1) is a prototype
implementation of HyperReal. The Programming Environment consists of
two major parts: the programming-in-the-small environment and the
programming-in-large one. The programming-in-the-small environment
supports the definition of the actor classes. The programming-in-the-large
environment allows to specify the topology of a component and the planning
of its activities. It relies on Metaclasses and Metaobjects. User friendly
interfaces and specialised tools (e. g. for the scheduling analysis) are built on
top of the metarepresentation and support the programming-in-the-large
activity. The report overviews the general lifecycle of HyperReal applications
and present in detail the HR1 environment for programming-in-the-large.
- 117-94
- Approximation Complexity of Longest Common Subsequence
and Shortest Common Supersequence over fixed alphabet
P. Bonizzoni, M. Duella, G. Mauri
We consider the complexity of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) and
Shortest Common Supersequence (SCS) problems restricted to a fixed
alphabet of size k. The LCS and SCS problems are shown to be MAXSNP-
hard for strings over an alphabet of size 2, which proves that these problems
over a fixed alphabet have a polynomial time approximation scheme iff P =
- 116-94
- Learning Computing: understanding Objects includes
understanding Variables and Functions
S.A. Cerri
In the context of environments for learning computing, traditionally the model
has been to consider "the role of variables" as central for the conception as
well as for the implementation of software. A good example is the thesis of
J.F. Brette, presenting PASCAL/V [Brette, 1994]. Let us limit ourselves to
understanding computing in a single processor machine, therefore excluding
parallel and concurrent computing. Our long term purpose is to introduce a
distinction between learning programming and learning design; between an
engineering and an architectural approach to systems. We identify this
architectural view with the one called "experimental" in [Academy of
Sciences, 1994]. While in the first case programming algorithms is the focus,
in the second the issue is to identify and link software and hardware modules
that include data and functionalities. At the moment, the most popular
technology that embodies these notions is the Object Oriented one. If that is
the case, the model to "learn" is the one shown by the behaviour of objects,
i.e; a descriptive one that hides the private variables and activates private
functionalities representing algorithms; where the overall control is modelled
by the message exchange. We show in the lecture that it is rather easy to
understand the behaviour of objects by means of a functional model such as
the one in SCHEME. Although this, as a language, is by no means new, a
reflection on the computational model of SCHEME gives a quite broad insight
into what may be done for improving learning environments such as the one
in [Brette, 1994]. We claim that an architectural approach is more general
with respect to a purely engineering approach because it includes the
engineering components at the level of the implementation of the algorithms
representing methods in objects. Such a descriptive, intrinsically distributed
approach allows to conceive more concise, abstract and modular solutions to
specific problems, in a wide variety of domains.
- 115-94
- Two-sided Quantales, Lattices and Sheaves
F. Miraglia, U. Solitro
In this work we study the theory of presheaves over a two-sided quantale Q,
starting from a more general categorical definition of presheaf over a lattice.
We concentrate our attention on a Q-valued equality obtaining a
characterization of presheaves and their morphisms in terms of quantale-
valued sets; with the results contained in this paper we emphasize the role of
the separation property in this context. A non trivial example in the theory of
(non commutative) rings is presented.
- 114-94
- A Parallel Version of Earley's Algorithm
D. Bruschi, G. Pighizzini
In the world of sequential computation the most referenced algorithms for
recognizing context--free languages are the CYK algorithm introduced in
1963by Cocke, Younger and Kasami, and Earley's algorithm introduced in
1970.The former only deals with grammars in Chomsky normal form while
the latter deals with every context--free grammar.When in early 70's people
started investigating parallel algorithms, immediately it appeared that
obtaining efficient parallel parsers was not easy.In fact in 1977 Jones et al.
proved thatthe construction of a context--free recognizer is a P--complete
problem.In 1980 however Ruzzo and Rytter showed that when we restrict
our attention to context--free grammars in Chomsky normal form, the P--
completeness result just mentioned can be overcome.In fact a parallel version
of CYK can be obtained using Ruzzo and Rytter results.On the other hand,
Jones et al. result seems to deny the possibility of having a ``parallel
equivalent'' of Earley's algorithm.In this paper we show that this
consideration is not true.More preciselywe will show how to obtain a parallel
algorithm for recognizing a language specified by a whatever context--free
grammar. Using such an algorithm we will further describe a parallel
algorithm for the parsing phase. To our knowledge these are the first parallel
algorithms which solve such problems.
- 113-94
- HyperReal: Light-Weight Operating Software for Embedded
A. Poli, F. Tisato
An architectural model for embedded systems is presented. The model
follows the Light-Weight Operating Software approach, that de-kernelises all
the functionalities of the system. The separation of concerns principle leads to
the definition of a set of abstract machines, each supporting a specific issue.
The ActorMachine supports the execution of Actors defined at the
programming-in-the-small level. The ConnectorMachine supports the
communication among actors by means of Connectors, which define logical
links among actors and implement communication protocols. The
ControlMachine manages the execution of actions, i.e., methods of actors,
according to an Agenda where actions are scheduled in a temporal framework
defined by virtualClocks. The PlanningMachine allows to define plans which
specify when actions must be executed. The StarterMachine allows to
initialise the system. A Component is a configured collection of actors,
connectors and plans. The ComponentMachine provides the platform for the
execution of a component and encapsulates the system dependent issues.
Keywords: embedded applications, light-weight operating software, actors,
connectors, communication models, control, planning, configuration
- 112-94
- Un modello di automi cellulari per la fluidodinamica della
percolazione in mezzi porosi a geometria variabile
G. Cattaneo, M. Rigotti, A. Sala
A bidimensional Cellular Automaton model for the hydrodynamics of
percolating systems is presented. The model uses a set of rules that describe
the same conservation principles of the Navier-Stokes equations. In particular
a new transport rule describes the variability of a porous structure. The
obtained simulations show, as emergent properties of the automation
evolution, the same qualitative behaviors of the real system.
- 111-94
- Random generation of words of an algebraic language in linear
binary space
M. Goldwurm
For every unambiguous context-free language L, a uniform random string of
length n in L can be generated in O(n) binary space. The procedure uses a
number of memory entries proportional to the height of a suitable derivation
tree of the output word. The algorithm is based on a general technique for
random generation proposed by Flajolet, Zimmermann and Van Cutsem in a
recent paper, that works in O(nlog n) time in the worst case. Our procedure
obtains the same worst case time bound up to a constant factor.
- 110-94
- A distributed model for selection in Evolutionary Algorithms
Andrea Tettamanzi
This paper introduces and studies a local selection scheme for Evolutionary
Algorithms based on competition, particularly suited for implementation on
massively parallel architectures.
In many tasks, such as evolution of game strategies, Genetic Programming
and evolution of control procedures, competition between two individuals on
one problem instance chosen according to some probability can be a valid
alternative to defining an appropriate fitness function that embeds a priori
knowledge of the problem, which often is not within the reach of everybody,
as it requires a deep insight of the problem along with some mathematical
The behaviour of a population subject to competitive selection is analysed
probabilstically through the study of a statistical indicator under different
assumptions about the distribution of fitness values.
- 109-93
- An Integrated Environment for Distance Education supporting
Multiple Interaction Styles
S. Pozzi, A. Tancredi, F. Tisato
The architecture of an open software platform supporting the set of different
activities characterizing a typical complex educational process is presented.
The architecture, which is based on a unifying data model, offers a set of
services allowing to control co-operation activities based on either a
synchronous or asynchronous interaction styles. These services allow to store
the history of the interactions occuring among the actors of the educational
process, and to plan the occurence of cooperating activities. The software
platform built on top of the proposed architecture can be used for integrating
both specialized tools supporting specific activities of the educational process.
The paper introduces the general data model, discusses the cost-effective use
of communication media in contrast with different co-operation styles, and
exemplifies the proposed approach by illustrating two case-studies: an
electronic mail-based system for distance tutoring (TEMPO), and a software
environment for real-time multimedia conferencing (ImagineDesk).
- 108-93
- A Maximal Intermediate Predicate Constructive Logic
A. Avellone, C. Fiorentini, P. Mantovani, P. Miglioli
We provide an example of maximal intermediate predicate logic with the
disjunction property and the explicit definability property which contains the
well known Medvedev's propositional logic of the finite problems. We also
show that (differently from Medvedev's logic) our intermediate predicate
logic cannot have a Kripke frames semantics. Indeed, we introduce an
auxiliary nonstandard predicate logic by means of a special "non kripkean
semantics", and characterize our logics in terms of such a nonstandard logic,
according to a method which has been applied in previous papers to get
maximal intermediate predicate logics with the disjunctions property. Our
technique to single out maximal intermediate predicate logics with the
disjunctions property and the explicit definability property starting from
suitable auxiliary nonstandard predicate logics is not as general as the
corresponding propositional one; however, we believe that it can be
successfully applied also outside the context of the present paper.
- 107-93
- Synchronic distances as Generalized Regions
L. Bernardinello, G. De Michelis, K. Petruni
- 106-93
- A Probabilistic Model to Evaluate the Performances of
Deflection Networks
E. Pagani, G. P. Rossi
In this report we present a probabilistic model to evaluate the performances of
networks that use deflection routing on mesh topology. By considering each
deflection network node as a system of queues and byassigning to each input
traffic pattern the probability to enterone of the output links according to
deflection routing policy, it is possible to estimate performance indexes for
different topologies and traffic loads.To this purpose, we run the analytical
model by using the Mathematica software.The results have been compared
with those previously obtained through simulations. The comparison is
encouraging and indicates that the analytical model properly describes the
deflection network node's behaviours.
- 105-93
- Un modello di automa cellulare per l'interazione radiazione-
materia: il laser a semi-conduttore
G. Cattaneo,
F. Magni,
M. Milani,
M. Rigotti
A two--dimensional Cellular Automaton (CA) model is proposed for a
semiconductor laser system, showing qualitative behavior in agreement with
actual performances.The description of this simple structure is preliminary to
extending the CAapproach to more complex systems (External Cavity
devices, or lasers with optical feedback) and to more complex radiation-matter
interactions as those deriving from electrostriction and Kerr effects.
- 104-93
- A tight lower bound for Primitivity in k-structures
P. Bonizzoni
- 103-93
- A Ring Based Multicast Service over a High Speed Deflection
E. Pagani,
G. P. Rossi
A simple ring support structure has been used to provide multicast service
over a prototype of high speed network that uses deflection routing on mesh
topology. By exploiting the behaviour of Deflection Networks it is possible
to ensure, with a simple protocol, a significant performance improvement
with respect to n-unicast communications and to obtain results that are close
to those achievable with tree based multicasting. Further, the devised
multicast protocol has a simple implementation that does not affect the on
going prototype development. The paper shows that added value services can
be provided on top of datagram Deflection Networks to extend the LAN
services to larger geographical areas.
- 102-93
- Computing Subsumption Between Action Descriptions
C. Bettini
We extend a recent proposal for a terminological language intended to
represent actions and plans. We highlight an expressiveness problem
regarding the representation of actions in that language. The absence of a
universal quantifier over temporal variables does not allow a correct
representation of a state and, therefore, the representation of an action. We
provide a new operator - a restricted temporal universal quantifier - to
overcome this problem. Computational issues are addressed proposing
algorithms to compute subsumption between action representations in the
original and extended languages.
- 101-93
- The Structured Consequence Relation in Prolog
D. Fava
- 100-93
- An Object-Oriented Approach to Logical Deduction
D. Fava
- 99-93
- How to avoid duplications in refutation systems for
intuitionistic logic and Kuroda logic
P. Miglioli,
U. Moscato,
M. Ornaghi
Both at the propositional and the predicate level, in tableaux systems of
intuitionistic logic as well as in the corresponding sequent and natural calculi,
the problem arises of reducing as much as possible the duplication of
formulas, i.e., the reuse of formulas already used in a proof, in order to
single out efficient proof search techniques. This problem has been analyzed
by Dyckhoff, where a nearly optimal solution is given for intuitionistic
propositional sequent and natural calculi, and in other our previuos papers
where an improvement is proposed of Fitting's tableaux system for
intuitionistic predicate logic. In the present paper we reanalyze our previous
ideas in the light of Dyckhoff's results, which are considered from the point
of view of a refutation calculus and in the frame of full first order logic. This
gives rise to a tableaux system for intuitionistic predicate logic which should
provide a good improvement of the previous systems with respect to the
problem of duplication. The formal setting of the paper seems to be promising
to treat further intermediate logics. In this line, we analyze Kuroda logic and
provide for it a tableaux system involving a smaller amount of duplication
than the one involved in the intuitionistic refutation calculus presented in the
- 98-93
- A method to single out maximal propositional logics with the
disjunction propery.
M. Ferrari,
P. Miglioli
We study a class of intermediate propositional logics with the disjunction
property which cannot be properly extended into logics of the same kind, and
are therefore called maximal. To deal with these logics, we use a method
based on the search of suitable nonstandard logics. The method has an
heuristic content and has allowed us to discover a wide family of logics, as
well as to get their maximality proofs in a uniform way. In presenting our
maximal logics, we will also propose some ideas for a classification of them.
- 97-93
- Abstract parametric classes and abstract data types defined by
classical and constructive logical methods
P. Miglioli,
U. Moscato,
M. Ornaghi
We introduce a methodology to treat abstract data types (ADT), abstract
parametric classes (APC) and subclasses, together with appropriate
inheritance properties, by means of first order theories. The notion of a first
order theory axiomatizing an ADT is based on the notion of an isoinitial
model and has been proposed by the authors in previous papers. A theory
formalizing an APC is seen, in this paper, as a theory T incompletely
axiomatizing an ADT. Given a class C of ADT's, the class formalized by T
can be seen (under suitable soundness conditions on T) as the class of the
instantiations of T over C. An instantiation of T over an ADT I of C
completes T into a T' formalizing an ADT I', which extends I and inherits the
properties of the APC T.We use both classical and constructive methods in
the following sense: on the one hand, the semantics is based on classical
model theory; on the other hand, the soundness of a consistent axiomatization
can be analyzed by purely syntactical methods, in terms of provability within
suitable constructive systems.A theory T formalizing an APC (or an ADT) is
not given by a list of axioms, but by a suitable "APC-expression", which
explicitly or implicitly (but effectively) defines the axioms of T. We have
APC-expressions to define APC's, to extend already defined APC's and to
instantiate APC's (into ADT's or subclasses). We allow also "recurrence
APC-expressions". At the end of the paper we give some examples showing
how the proposed methodology works.
- 96-93
- Some uses of model theory to specify abstract data types
and to capture their recursiveness
A. Bertoni,
G. Mauri,
P. Miglioli
In this paper we present a comparative analysis of some algebraic-categorial
tools and of some model theoretic tools to characterize abstract data types: our
aim is to show that, in order to capture a quite relevant feature such as the
recursiveness of abstract data types, Model Theory works better than
Category Theory. To do so, we analyze from a model theoretic point of view
various notions such as "initiality", "finality", "monoinitiality", "epifinality",
"weak monoinitiality" and "weak epifinality", the latter being also called
"terminality": this analysis is carried out from the double point of view of
"abstractness" (which of these notions gives rise to unque up to
isomorphisms models) and of "cardinality". For the second aspect, in a
general model theoretic frame the considered notions do not necessarily give
rise to countable models. So, we state which of them allow to select countable
models: it turns out that only "initiality", "monoinitiaity", "epifinality" and
"terminality" capture countability if theories with a countable language are
involved, while this is not the case for "finality" and "weak monoinitiality".
Countability is seen as a necessary condition to get recursive data types. An
extensive analysis is then devoted to the problem of the recursiveness of
abstract data types: we provide a formal definition of recursiveness and show
that it neither collapses, nor it is incompatible with the "abstractness
requirement". We also show that none of the above quoted categorial notions
captures recursiveness. Finally, we consider our own definition of "abstract
data type", which has been already presented in previous works and is based
on typically model theoretic notions, even if in there we have erroneously
emphasized the notion of "monoinitiality": we analyze our definittion in the
frame of the proposed formalization of recursiveness, and illustrate the sense
according to which it captures recursiveness.
- 95-93
- Un approccio alla Programmazione Metalogica Orientata agli
S. Costantini,
G. A. Lanzarone,
F. Tiberi
- 95-92
- Tecnologie informatiche e processo di istruzione : un approccio
A. Tancredi,
F. Tisato
English title: Information Technologies and Educational Process: An
Integrated Approach
The report introduces a model of the educational process that can be easily
translated into the implementation of a real system, and that establishes a
common language for the communication among computer and education
scientists. The educational process is modeled as a collection of functions
connected by feedbacks, and relies on informations represented as educational
objects connected by relations. This representation is the basis for a platform
thatt allows to build open-ended educational systems that cover all the phases
of the educational process.
- 94-92
- Metalevel Negation and Non Monotonig Reasoning
S. Costantini,
G. A. Lanzarone
- 93-92
- KBLab 1.7: user manual
A. Paccanaro
KBLab (Knuth-Bendix Laboratory) is an application for experimenting the
use of rewriting techniques and for rewriting-based theorem proving. Its aim
is to provide an highly interactive, user friendly tool to be used both for
research and teching in rewriting. It implements Knuth-Bendix completion
method and its extensions Unfailing Knuth-Bendix and S-Strategy. It
supports the Knuth-Bendix Ordering, the Recursive Path Ordering and a
number of different strategies for selecting axioms during the completion
process. KBLab provides an easy-to-use environment which allows to edit
theories, execute the completion procedures and store proof traces. The kernel
of KBLab is coded in C and it is fully portable; the interface is made up of
HyperCard stacks and it is available for all Macintosh systems.
- 92-91
- Extending security models for frame based systems protection
S. Castano,
G. Martella,
P. Samarati
This paper contains describes a security model for the protection of frame
based systems. The model enforces both a mandatory and a discretionary
policy. A labelling policy is also provided to regulate the classification of
objects semantically related. Acces controls against the mandatory and the
discretionary policies are illustrated. Finally, the problems concerning the
insertion and the deletion of multi-level objects are discussed.
- 91-91
- A constructive logic approach to database theory
P. Miglioli,
U. Moscato,
M. Ornaghi
In this paper we propose an approach to database theory based on a
constructive logic. The semantics here assumed is a particular one; it is based
on the notion of info (K,F) (the information type of F), where K is the set of
constants of a first order language L, F is a formula of L and info (K,F) is the
set of all the possible pieces of information (within L) on the "truth" of F.
This constructive sematics will be used to treat problems related to relational
databases such as disjuntive information and null value.
- 90-91
- Ambienti interattivi per la didattica
G. Degli Antoni
The note aims to present a very concise and abstract view on evolution of
teaching-learning technologies. The emerging concepts (graphical user
interfaces, multimedia, hypermedia) related to technologies are considered
and shortly reinterpreted. The theater methapor is introduced where interactive
actor (called interactors) play the role in a scene. The Hyper dimension is
introduced as related to the user interaction hystories. The Hyper is
investigated very shortly as a methapor in order to investigate the way to next
developments in structural technologies related both the DWIM (Do What I
Mean) paradigm and to the so called Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
- 89-91
- Lezioni di meccanica del coordinamento (English text)
A. Holt
There follow notes prepared in conjunction with a set of eight lectures on
coordination mechanics given in the spring of 1991 as part of the course
called "Elaborazione dei Testi Letterari" of Prof. G. Degli Antoni.
Coordination mechanics falls within the broad domain of systems theory, or
cybernetics. It is a scientific approach to a certain aspect of organized human
activity - namely "the achievement of coordination between a moltitude of
operations carried out by a multitude of persons", in no matter what field of
activity. Coordination in this sense is always required if a moltitude of
operations is to compose a functionally meaningful whole. The achievement
of coordination depends upon the existence of appropriate "causal
connections" between operations, connections which, in their turn, depend
upon the physical arragements and the persons involved. Much interest in
coordination mechanics relates to improving the understanding of how to
employ computers and computer networks in the context of particular human
enterprises (for other, older forms of physical arrangement supporting
organized activity, radition and experience can often take the place of
systematic knowledge). The notes are divided in two parts. Part I is a
beginner's introduction to coordination mechanics in condensed form. Part II
consists of a set of three problems which provide exercise in the application
of most of the concepts introduced in Part I. These problems, though small,
have enough complexity and/or reality to be interesting.
- 88-91
- A question answering system for ENProver
R. Virga
This paper describes the structure of a question answering system that uses a
semantic-based reverse-skolomization process, which has been developed at
the Computational Architecture Laboratory, University of Milano, as part of
the ENProver theorem proving system.
- 87-91
- AUTOMATA and NEURALWORKS: learning environments for
Automata Theory and Neural Nets (documentation)
M.A. Alberti,
P. Marelli,
N. Nardini,
A. Paviglianiti,
M. Scagliotti
This paper documents the applications that have been developed in the
COLOS Project with the goal of implementing a learning environment for the
computation of finite automata and formal languages and for the design of
neural nets. The environment makes use of computer graphic as a way of
conveying information and concepts. Some modules implement different
models of computations: Turing machines, finite state automata, both
deterministic and non deterministic, deterministic pushdown automata and
context free grammars; other ones implement different models of neural nets:
McCulloc and Pitts neural nets and back error propagation learning
algorithms. The applications are implemented in Objective-C under UNIX for
HP workstation. The development is RMG.
- 86-91
- Communicating Petri Nets
G. Degli Antoni
In this paper basic Petri Nets models are re-viewed. Their difficulties in
modelling some real systems (cognitive and epistemological difficulties) are
analyzed. In order to overcome these difficulties, the basic models (Conditio
Event/Elementary Net) are extended. The proposed extension embodies a
basic mechanism of communication, whereby the holding of a transmitting
condition lets the receiving events fire, whenever these have concession in the
classical sense. The corrisponding token rule suggested, leading itself to a
natural extension of the notion of Petri Nets, where there is communication
between different Nets (component) modelling parts of a single system.
Simple examples are given in order to illustrate the easiness in modelling the
proposed extension of Petri Nets. It is observed that the proposed extension
fit with a general movement towards object orientation in modelling complex
concurent systems.
- 85-91
- Equational grammars
A. Tettamanzi
In this paper we suggest that a grammar may be viewed as an equational
theory. Accordingly, the parsing or generating process taken the form of an
algebraic simplification. As a consequence, conceptions and techniques which
lia in the field of equational logic may be appliad to the study of grammars.
- 84-91
- The category of weak pretopologies
S. Valentini,
P. Virgili
This paper contains a brief introduction to formal topologies and weak
pretopologies. These mathematical structures are the basis to present in a
natural way Scott domains and to construct the usual compaund domains with
a clear insight due to the topological intuition.
- 83-91
- Technology and scientific thinking
G. Degli Antoni
- 82-90
- Tecniche di theorem proving nella validazione dell'hardware
U. Pellizzari
- 81-90
- Realtà artificiale: una silenziosa rivoluzione cognitiva
G. Degli Antoni
The paper presents a series of articles and (impublished) reports that the
author has written since 1988. The overall aim has been to demonstrate how
the versatility of computers is currently favoring the development of
technologies oriented toward lending support in various ways to human
cognitive activities. In the first way, computer become models interacting
with reality. In second one, the cognitive acquisition of reality by means of
interactive computerized models is facilitated by the iconic-graphic-graphemic
nature of man-machine communication oriented toward dialogue with the
models. Then the integration of models which interact with the corrisponding
real systems transforms the model themselves into an alias of reality, thus
allowing the users to integrated at a distance with a form of virtual
telepresence. Lastly, the possibility of interfacing the users with the
interactive models by menas of opportune devices makes it possible for users
themselves to virtually be in the modeled reality, since they have a three-
dimensional perception and can also perform actions and movements through
the interpretation the computer makes of their gestures. Thus man-system
communication becomes total-media, in the sense that voice, gestures,
symbols, images, animation... become elements of the communication.
- 80-90
- Una specifica del sistema ascensore con reti OBJSA
E. Battiston
The OBJSA Nets combine Petri Nets with algebraic specification techniques
in order to allow both process abstraction and data abstraction. In particular,
in this formalism, a real system is specified by a Superposed Automata and an
OBJ module. In this report the new definition of an OBJSA Nets, given in
90-79, is applied to the specification of an example of not trivial size, the Lift
system, included in the selected case studies of the ESPRIT-BRA # 3148
DEMON Project.
- 79-90
- OBJSA Nets : definitions
E. Battiston
This report contains the new definition of OBJSA Nets, i.e. the definition of
the class itself, of the notions of transition enabling and transition firing, of
the linear form (the incidence matrix) togheter with all needed for defining S-
and T- invariants and proving the corrisponding main theorems. This new
definition maintains all the basic characteristics of the original definition and
differs from it because of the following extensions and updating: 1) it
introduces an arc weight and thus it allows an OBJSA Net to model mutual
interactions among more istances of the same component; 2) the making
function is defined by associating an OBJ module with each place; 3) some
changes in the definition of the OBJ modules, which are built in a OBJSA
Net, are due to heir careful checking on the OBJ3 interpreter.
- 78-90
- OBJSA Nets : OBJ and Petri nets for specifying concurrent
E. Battiston,
F. De Cindio,
G. Mauri
The paper provide an intuitive presentation of OBJSA Nets, a specification
language which combines a specific class of Petri nets, namely Superposed
Automata Nets, and the well-known algebraic specification language OBJ.
The presentation is particularly addressed to people confident with algebraic
specification techniques and focuses the composition mechanism which allow
to designer to obtain an OBJSA specification (of a system) by combining a set
of OBJSA components (the specification of system components).
- 77-90
- Concurrent systems as a local state transformation algebras: the
case of elementary net systems
L. Pomello,
C. Simone
The paper presents an algebraic characterization of the state of space
associated to an EN-system. The characterization captures the system
behaviour in terms of local state transformation by means of which some
system properties can be expressed. In addition, the paper shows ho to derive
the algebra from the system and conversely the system from the algebra. On
contact-free EN-system a preorder is defined by means of an injective
morphism between the associated algebras. The set of contact-free EN-system
with the above preorder is shown to be a complete partial order. The
conclusion shown the connections with some related approaches.
- 76-90
- About asynchronous cellular automata
G. Pighizzini
In this paper two models of distributed systems are compared: asynchronous
automata and asynchronous cellular automata, whose behaviours characterize
the class of recognizable trace language. It is proved that these models are
polynomially related, by exhibiting a polynomial time rediction between them.
Despite of that, it is shown that the structure of the categories associated to
asynchronous automata and asynchronous cellular automata recognizing the
same trace language are deeply different. In particular, it is exhibited a trace
language that admits an unique minimum asynchronous automation, but
infinitely many minimal (i.e. non reducible) asynchronous cellular automata
recognizing it. Furthermore, it is characterized the class of free partially
commutative monoids such that every trace language admits a minimum
asynchronous cellular automation as the class of free totally commutative
- 75-90
- A structural overview of NP optimization problems
D. Bruschi,
D. Joseph,
P. Young
This paper survey structural work on calculating optima solution for NP
complete problems. This overview is not intended to be an exaustive
description of the area, nor even of all the works in those papers which we
discuss. Instead, it an attempt to provide a general introduction to the area. As
a consequence the authors have freely unified notations and simplified
statements of results. This survey will provide a guide to some of the more
interesting ideas and problems in this area.
- 74-90
- Generalized boolean hierarchies and boolean hierarchies over
A Bertoni,
D. Bruschi,
D. Joseph,
M. Sitharam,
P. Young
In this paper we study the complexity hierarchy formed by taking the Boolean
closure of sets in RP, the class of sets decidable in random polynomial time.
This hierarchy, which we call the Boolean hierarchy over RP and denote by
RBH, is analogous to the difference hierarchy for r.e. sets studied by Ershv
end to the Boolean hierarchy studied by sevarl authors. ,RBH lies above RP
and below BPP. It is of particular interest because so little is known about
sets that might be in BPP-RP. In fact, since Adleman and Huang showed that
primality testing lies in RP, (and hence in ZPP), there have been no natural
candicates for the class BPP-RP. Thus , the examples we give for the
Boolena hierarchy over RP should help renew the belief that the classes BPP
and RP are truly different.
- 73-90
- Strong separation of the polynomial hierarchy with oracles :
constructive separations by immune and simple sets
D. Bruschi
In this paper we show that the ideas introduced by Furst, Saxe and Sipser
which connected oracle separation results for the relativized polynomial time
hierarchy to the problrm of proving lower bounds for constant depth circuits,
and subsequent probabilistic argument introduced by Yao, Hastad and Ko in
order to prove the existence of relativized polynomial time hierarchies with
different structures can be adapted for resolving the main problems related to
the existence of immune and simple stes in the relativized polynomial time
hierarchy. In particular we construct oracles which witness the existence of
immune and simple sets in the k-th level of a relativized polynomial time
hierarchy for kł1. In this way we refuse the conjecture of Torenvliet and van
Emde de Boas about the impossibility of constructing oracles witnessing
strong separations of the relativized polynomial time hierarchy for level higher
than the second. Also we show that the existence of simple or immune sets in
the relativized polynomial time hierarchy is not contradictory with a finite
polynomial hierarchy. The results solves in a strong sense an open question
posed by Ko. We further show oracles relative to which the polynomial time
hierarchy is finite but its k-th level, for any given k>0, does not contain
simple or immune sets. This results extends to the k-th level, kł1, of the
relativized polynomial time hierarchy a results obtained by Homer and Maas
for k=1.
- 72-90
- About infinite traces
P. Bonizzoni,
G. Mauri,
G. Pighizzini
In this paper we generalized the notion of Foata normal form to the case of
infinite traces. We show that this normal for is consistent with the notion of
equivalence introduced by Gastin and Rozoy, in the sense that two infinite
traces are equivalent if and only if they have some normal form. Finally, we
use this notion to introduce a metric on the infinitary partially commutative
monoid F ° (ˇ,) and whe show that the resulting metric space is complete
- 71-90
- On automata on infinite trees
P. Bonizzoni,
G. Mauri
In the paper, first of all, we analyze new conditions for acceptance of sets of
infinite trees recognized by Muller automata and for which equivalent Bchi
automata can be given. We define a new model of infinite tree automata,
called "limited Muler" automata, and investigate their characterization in weak
monadic logic. In the secon part, we extend the notion of control automation
to the case where more than one language is used to control the set of infinite
words labelling each path of a successful run on a tree. We prove that using
boolean operators in defining acceptance conditions for control automata, a
characterization for M-automata, introduced by Nivat and Saoudi, and other
classes of automata can be given. We introduce the "And-control" automation
and use this notion to prove properties of boolean closure of deterministic
classes of automata.
- 70-90
- Universal combination of equational unification algorithms
E. Ciapessoni,
G. Mauri
The problem of first order unification in equational theories obtained by
combination of simpler theories is studied and a new method, called universal
combination , is presented as a set of transformation rules which give a non
deterministic algorithm. The universal combination algorithm generalizes the
transformation rules for universal unification methods, such as general
equational unification of lazy narrowing to the problem of combining
unification algorithms. In particular, the paper shows that universal
combination allows to construct unification algorithms for a subclass of
equational theories, called layerable theories, which include theories not
covered by previous methods.
- 69-90
- Flowshop e TSP : un approccio con reti neuronali
F. Gardin,
G. Mauri,
M.P. Pensini
- 68-90
- Some errors estimates for approximate shape identification
methods applied to inverse acoustic scattering
G Crosta
With reference to the inverse problem of identifying the shape of a sound soft
acoustic scatterer, given the incident plane wave, the scattered far field and
some constraints on the unknown shape, we compare three methods of
solution, two of which have already been described in the literature. The
common feature is that each method approximately solves the inverse problem
by minimising an objective function. Comparison consist of some inequalities
and relationships, by which the values of the objective functions are
expressed through some other computable quantities.
- 67-90
- Parameter identification methods in mass and heat flow models:
some analytical examples covering conductivity and storage
G Crosta
This paper provide a number of analytical examples portaining to the
identification of some coefficients appearing in the differential equations,
which describe mass and heat flow in various gemetries and circumstances.
For any given (potential, source, term) pair, two different domains are
considered, in one of which at least the unknown coefficient can be uniquely
found. By means of these examples, the performance of coefficient
identification method can be evaluated.
- 66-90
- Ranking and formal power series
A. Bertoni,
D. Bruschi,
M. Goldwurm
In this paper we prowe that the ranking problem for unanbiguous context-free
languages is -reducible to the value problem for algebraic formal power series
in noncommuniting variables. In the particular case of regular language we
show that the problem of ranking is -reducible to the problem of counting the
number of strings of given lenght in suitable regular languages. As a
consequence ranking problems for regular languages is - reducible to integer
division and hence it is computable by long-space uniform boolean circuits of
polynomial size and depth O (log n log log n), or by P-uniform boolean
circuits of polynomial size and depth O (log n).
- 65-89
- Esame delle possibilit di progettazione automatica di dispositivi
per la protezione degli errori
E. Angeleri,
M. Bruschi,
M. Goldwurm
- 64-89
- The judgement calculus for intuitionistic linear logic : proof
theory and semantics
S. Valentini
This paper propose a new set of rules for a judgement calculus for
intuitionistic linear logic that makes easier to define a suitable mathematical
semantics. A proof of the canonical form theorem for this new system is
given: it assures, beside the consistency of the calculus, the termination of the
evaluation of every well-typed program. The definition of the mathematical
semantics and the completeness theorem, that turns out to be a representation
theorem, follows. This semantics is the basis to obtain a semantics for the
evaluation process of any well-typed program.
- 63-89
- Evaluation of the number of prefixes of traces : an application to
algorithm analysis
M. Goldwurm
In this work we summarize some probabilistic results concerning the
evaluation of the number of prefix in free partially commutative monoids
(f.p.c.m.). As an application of these results we give a probabilistic analysis
of time and space complexity of a class of algorithms for problems on trace
languages including the Membership Problem for regular trace languages.
This class of algorithms has been introduced in [BGS] by means of a
recursive procedure scheme and here we study an interactive version of that
- 62-89
- Bounds for permanents and latin square
M. Torelli
Permanentes are difficult to compute, therefore upper and lower bounds are
particularly interesting. Such bounds also have intrinsic interest, since they
are difficult to prove, sometimes requiring rather sophisticated approaches, as
is the case for the van der Waerden bound, which stayed unproved for more
than half a century. Lower and upper bounds have been proved which are a
strict for the general class of matrices, but are somewhat loose for (0,1)-
matrices having k1's in each line. In the paper some stricted bounds are
conjectured, and an inequality is proved, refining an inequality by Minc and
Sathre, which demonstrates that the conjuctures upper bound is stricter than
Bregman's. By applying these bounds to the enumeration of Latin squares
one obtains bounds which e.g. delimit the number of normalized Latin
squares order 10 between 8.50x and 3.3x.
- 61-89
- The expression with arity
A. Botti,
S. Valentini
In the formal rules of Martin Lof's type theory both types and their elements
are denoted by expressions with ariry. The ability to handle expressions and
to decide on their equality is a prerequisite to verify the correct applications of
the rules of the theory. In this paper we present a formal system to derive
expressions with arity, we prove the decidability of definitional equality and
we give the conditions to develop a correct algorithm to parse expressions in
the presence of abbreviatory definitions.
- 60-89
- KBLab 1.0: manuale d'uso
G. Sanna
- 59-89
- A typed calculus based on quantifier _free instuitionistic logic
S. Valentini
A judgement calculus for the propositional intuitionistic linear logic is
introduced. This calculus defines the axiomatic semantics for a typed
functional language for which a set of reduction rules is given. The
normalization proof for the judgement calculus assures the determination of
the valuation of every correct (i.e. well-typed) program.
- 58-89
- Punti e co_punti in topologia formale
S. Valentini
After the introduction of the main ideas of formal topology, the paper
analyses the notions of point and co-point. It first presents some methods to
construct points and co-points in suitable formal topologies and then gives
some applications of such constructions in logic.
- 57-89
- Design and devolopment of ENprover, an automated theorem
proving system based on EN-strategy
F. Baj,
D. Bruschi,
A. Zanzi
The design and the implementation of ENprover, an automated theorem
proving system for first order theories with equality, are discussed. A
summary of EN-strategy - the underlying method based on rewrite technique
- the analysis of the basical activities, the definition of a theorem bank as a
frame to collect theorems and tools to automate program testing are given. A
discussion of the main aspects involved in the Prolog implementation of the
system and the related algorithms analysis concludes the work.
- 56-89
- A class of convolutional codes to correct burst errors
L. Mazzei
This work describes a class of convolutional codes for correction of single
errors burst which extends a particular description of the well-known Iwadare
codes, while for a different description it demostrates that there is always
better code bolonging to the class defines here. The codes are described
through a parametric form of the generating polynomials which, when
appropriately selected, allows generation of codes particularly efficient in
relation to the guard and constraint lenght. This characteristic is useful for the
construction of coders and decoders of low circuital complexity.
- 55-89
- A numerical implementation of "Quantum Annealing"
B. Apolloni,
N. Cesa-Bianchi,
D. De Falco
"Quantum Annealing", a variant of the Simulated Annealing algorithm,
simulates the quantum tunnel effect to find approximate solutions to the
problem of minimizing real function of boolean variables. More precisely, the
procedure carries out a Markov chain whose equilibrium distribution is
associated with the ground state wave function of a particular Schrodinger
Hamiltonian. A numerical implementation of the algorithm is presented and
some applications are discussed. Experimental results show that Quantum
Annealing and Simulated Annealing are comparable in terms of their
performances even though significative difference have been found in their
detailed behaviour.
- 54-89
- The connection constants problem
E. Damiani,
O. D'Antona,
G. Naldi,
L. Paravicino
In this paper explicit formulas for the connection constants between
sequences of polynomials in terms of their roots have derived. As an
application, some properties about the inversion of triangular matrices have
given. By means of the concept of punctured partion ao an integer, here
introduced to compute connection constants, we also obtain a new expression
of the relationship between elementary and complete homogeneous symmetric
- 53-89
- Un sistema di deduzione logica per dimostrazioni automatiche in
M.A. Alberti,
P. Ferrari,
M. Torelli
We describe a knowledge based system to prove theorems in Euclidean
geometry. The prover, written in Prolog, can deal with problems involving
circles and inequalities, which are not treated in other similar provers,
reviewed in the paper. Provers of this kind, that use a knowledge data base
are usually much less efficient than provers based on algebraic mathods, but
they provide a proof trace that can be read to users. Therefore they are more
interesting for educational purposes. A specification language for problem
description is implemented.
- 52-89
- Quantum tunnelling in stochastics mechanics and combinatorial
B. Apolloni,
N. Cesa-Bianchi,
D. De Falco
In the Schrodinger-Nelson dynamics of the real time, the ground state
processes performs, in the semiclassical limit, a motion in which long
sojourns around a global minimum of the potential are interrupted by rare
large fluctiations which carry the process from one minimum to another. We
motivate here a partial extention of the above analysis to the dynamics of the
Heisenberg spin chain, in view of applications to the combinatorial
optimization problem of finding the global minima of a real valued function of
many boolean variables.
- 51-89
- Some limit distributions in analysis of algorithms for problem
M. Guldwurm
This paper study the limit distribution of the sequence of random variables {
} where, for each n, is the number of prefixes of a trace of lenght n chosen
in a given free partially commutative monoid under the assuption that all
representative strings of lenght n are equiprobable. We determine such a limit
distribution for every free partially commutative monoid defined on a
concurrence alphabet < ˇ, C > such that the complementary relation is
transitive. This paper prove that if the complementary alphabet < ˇ, > has k
connected component of equal size, then { } (suitably normalized)
converges in distribution to a chi-square with k-1 degrees of freedom. On the
other hand, if at least two components of < ˇ, > have different number of
vertices, then { } (suitably normalized) converges in distribution of the time
complexity of several algorithms for problems trace languages, including
algorithms for the Membership Problem of regular context-free trace
- 50-89
- Dimostrazione automatica di teoremi
M.A. Alberti,
E. Calzolari,
M. Torelli
After a general introduction to automated theorem proving in geometry, some
features of the algebraic proof methods are considered. Wu's method is
examined in detail together with Chou's simplifications which enabled Chou
to prove over 500 theorems in elementary geometry. The prover is
implemented in MuMath, a symbolic manipulation system for PC's. In the
conclusion some comparative remarks are made with proof methods which
are based on Grbner basis techniques.
- 49-89
- Formal definition of reflective Prolog
S. Costantini
In this paper the formal syntax and semantics of Reflective Prolog is
presented. Semantics is defined in a model-theoretic fashion; namely, a least
model semantic is provided, based on definition of a concept of "least
reflective Herbrand model" of theory. The least reflective Herbrand model is
then characterized (similarly to the classical Horn-clause language semantics)
as the fixpoint of a suitable mapping, in order to provide a link between the
declarative and procedural semantics of a program. Derivation by resolution is
extended to deal with metalevel aspects of the language. Extended resolution
is then proved to be correct and complete.
- 48-89
- Definizione dell'interprete riflessivo
G. Casaschi,
S. Costantini
The approach of Smith's procedural reflection, originally introduced in the
context of functional languages, has first been extended to horn-clauses in the
language Logic, developed at the Computer Science Dep. of the University of
Milan by R. Ghislanzoni ang G. Tornielli, supervisor Prof. G. Degli Antoni,
co-supervisor L. Spampinato. Logic was implemented in Lisp, so as to
exploit its higher-order features for level-shifting. In this report we show the
implementation of Prolog plus procedural reflection (which is a wider
language than Logic, since it also contain extra-logical and metalogical built-in
predicates) in Prolog itself. In particular, we have defined a tail-recursive
circular metaprocessor for the horn-clause langauge, then augmented with
level-shifting capabilities. The built-in predicates of Prolog have been finally
defined by procedural reflection itself.
- 47-89
- Asynchronous automata: analysis of a category that admits
infinitely many minimal objects
G. Pighizzini
This paper explains some propreties of asynchronous automata, introduced
by Zielonka in order to characterize the class of recognizable subsets of free
partially commutative monoid (recognizable trace languages). In this paper it
is proved that there exists a trace language T recognizable by infinitely many
minimal finite state asynchronous automata and by infinitely many minimal
infine state asynchronous automata.
- 46-89
- Area e lunghezza media dei dati nei layouts di grafi generici
F. Arcelli,
P. Campana,
M. Guldwurm
The layouts of graphs and planar grid is studied with respect to the
Thompsonn's "VLSI model of computation" extented to general graphs. Total
area accupied by wires and nodes and average lenght of wires are studied as
measures to evaluate the layouts. These values are estimated by a new key
parameter for graph w, which extends the idea of minimum bisection width.
This paper proves that the local area occupied by layout is () and the wires
have average lenght (/) where / is teh area required by wires and is their
cardinality. These results are applied to well know architectures, i.e.
hypercube and d-shuffle.
- 45-89
- Comportamenti di una classe di schemi di computazione
A. Bertoni,
M. Guldwurm,
G. Mauri,
N. Sabadini
- 44-89
- A note on -moves elimination in finite state automata
E. Damiani,
O. D'Antona
This paper explains an algorithmic proof of the equivalence of
nondeterministic finite state automata (NFSA) with and without -moves and
briefly discuss an implementation of this algorithm. In the last section it is
show that this construction can be used to compute the automaton recognizing
the homomorphic image of a regular language.
- 43-89
- A combinatorial proof of an elementary property of finite
O. D'Antona
Consider n+1 consecutive integers and their n-th powers. Compute the n
differences of the powers. Compute the n-1 differences of the difference and
so on. A basic fact of the Calculus of Finite Differences tells us that the n-fold
repetition of this operation ends up with n!, the very same result one obtains
when deriving n times the function . In this report it is given a new proof of
this formula by exploiting the so called "ball-into-the-boxes" technique. This
approach is also used to prove a simple identity related to Abel polynomials.
- 42-89
- Counting functions and formal series in noncommuniting
A. Bertoni,
G. Goldwurm,
P. Massazza
This work explanes the complexity of certain counting problems defined by
means of formal series in noncommunicating variable. The subject is related
to classical problems of combinatorial enumeration and other topics of
computational complexity. In particular Lagrance Inversion formulas are used
to design fast parallel algorithms for these counting problems. The main
results in that, for any ambiguous context-free language L, the problem of
computing the number of words of lenght n in L is NC1-reducible to integer
- 41-88
- Matroidi: teoria e applicazioni
S. Donatelli,
U. Solitro
- 40-88
- Some models of computation from a proof-theoretical point of
A. Bertoni,
G. Mauri,
P. Miglioli,
M. Ornaghi
- 39-88
- Decision problems and evaluation problems in an abstract data
A. Bertoni,
G. Mauri,
P. Miglioli,
M. Ornaghi
- 38-88
- CHAOS: il modulo GLE
C. Bignoli,
G. Carenini,
C. Simone
Chaos is a system supporting conversations between people inside an
organization. Users exchange semi-structured messages whose propositional
content can be expressed in natural language. The system must interprete it, in
order to estract information to up data a representation of the organizational
structure and individual's and group's agenda. The paper reports on the
architecture of the linguistic module of CHAOS. In particular, deails are given
of the "Dictionary" and of the "Integrator" components. The Dictionary holds
an IS-A hierarchy of classes and istances representing entities of the domain;
besides the IS-A relation, IS-PART and IS-PREC relations are defined
among entities. The Integrator is used during the phase of semantic analysis
of the language, to solve reference ambiguities, such DEFNPs, ellipsis,
anaphora; it is based on the Grosz's notion of "focus of attention".
- 37-88
- An improved refutation system for intuitionistic predicate logic
P. Miglioli,
U. Moscato,
M. Ornaghi
- 36-88
- Progetto ALICE: definizione dell'integrazione
S. Costantini
This report concerns the integration of the functional and logic components of
the Alice system. Former approaches to this kind of integration are presented,
and the chosen one is discused in detailed, also in the perspective of future
developments. On the basis of the resulting architecture of the Alice system,
constructs for the predicate demo(T,G,), which declaratively represents the
metatheoretical assertion of provability of the proposition G from theory T.
New versions of demo are defined, suitable for performing hypothetical
- 35-88
- Progetto ALICE: evoluzione e sperimentazione
S. Costantini
In previous reports about the Alice project, we have discussed the state of the
art with respect to introspection and reflection (with particular attention to
procedural reflection), and we have introduced some new ideas about the
features that a language oriented to the declarative description of knowledge
and metaknowledge over several, related levels, should exhibit. A first result
of the evolution of those ideas is presented in this report. In particular, a new
logic programming language, called Reflective Prolog, has been (still
incompletely) defined. We present this new language, with some examples of
application. The implementation of the interpreter, that should be based on
procedural reflection, is finally discussed.
- 34-88
- Progetto ALICE: definizione della parte funzionale
S. Costantini
In this report, a definition of metasystem, introspective system and reflection
principle are introduced, taking the main approaches inthe literature into
account. The approach of Smith's procedural reflection, that has been taken
as a basis for the functional component of the Alice system, is examined in
detail. Finally, the problem of the potential applicability of reflective language
is discussed.
- 33-88
- L'voluzione di un libro elettronico
Le Van Huu
This paper represents the evolution of a research activity, began ten years ago
at the Department of Information (Computer) Science, relating the electronic
book topic. The research objective is to use the computer as a tool for reading
and analysing texts. The paper outlines the problems and the basic concepts
of a electronic book, presenting the evolution of some prototypes realized at
the Department, from a sample text editor to an electronic enciclopedia.
- 32-88
- On the properties of relations in Prolog and beyond
S. Costantini,
G.A. Lanzarone
Problem arising in representation and use of general properties of binary
relations (such as refelexivity, symmetry and transitivity) in Prolog
programming are examined. Different possible solutions are presented within
a logic programming approach; their advantages and disadvantages, in terms
of expressivity of the achieved representation, and of the linguistic and
metalinguistic tool necessary for their definition, are discussed. In
conclusion, it is pointed out how similar problems arise nont only in Prolog,
but in other formalisms as well, also in connection with different problems of
knowledge and metaknowledge representation.
- 31-88
- Constructive validity and classical truth to assign meaning to
programs: extended version
P. Miglioli,
U. Moscato,
M. Ornaghi,
G. Usberti
- 30-88
- On the prefixes of a random trace and the membership problem
for context-free trace languages
A. Bertoni,
M. Guldwurm
In this paper we study the complexity of algorithms for problem on free
partially commutative monoids (f.p.c.m.). These monoids are widely studied
in literature and their properties are used in several research areas. The
elements of f.p.c.m. and its subsets are respectively called traces and trace
languages. We first present some probabilistic estimations of the number of
prefixes of trace. The proof technique is based on the analysis of generating
functions of particular languages and is related to classical combinatorial
methods. Then we apply these probabilistic results to the analysis of
algorithms for problem s on trace languages. In particular, we describe an
algorithm for the Membership Problem of context-free trace languages and
determine its tima complexity both in the worst and in average case, assuming
that all the imput strings of given lenght have the same probability. Moreover,
we also show that, with probability tending to 1, the time complexity of this
algorithm has the same order of growth of its mean value.
- 29-88
- Probabilistic estimation of the number of prefixes of a trace
M. Goldwurm
We present a generating function technique to evaluate the number of strings
of given length recognized by a particular kind of finite state automation.
Using this method we determine some asymptotic estimation of number of
prefixes in free partially commutative monoids. These combinatorial serults
allow to determine the probabilistic behaviour of some algorithms for problem
trace language, including the Membership Problem for regular context-free
trace languages.
- 28-88
- Neural networks, concurrency and hierarchical data
A. Bertoni,
D. Bruschi,
P. Campadelli,
N. Sabadini
In this paper we present some ideas developed in the framework of theory of
concurrency and abstract data types. We discuss their interest in the modelling
of neural nets.
- 27-88
- Traces and semitraces: applications to movement
A. Bertoni,
D. Bruschi,
P. Campadelli,
N. Sabadini
An interesting field of application of concepts derived from the theory of
concurrency is given by biological systems. In fact, many biological
behaviours, such as speech and movements, require coordinated "sequences"
of events with high degree of internal parallelism to be performed. It has been
observed by many authors that a theory of "serial order" in behaviour is
required, since the current formalisms are inadequate to deal with parallel
aspects of this behaviour. In this paper we apply the theory of traces and
semitraces to describe the possible pattern that represent the various modes of
quadruped locomotion.
- 26-88
- The complexity of computing the numberb of strings of given
lenght in context-free languages
A. Bertoni,
M. Guldwurm,
N. Sabadini
Computing the number of strings of given length contained in a language is
related to classical poroblems of Combinatorics, Formal Languages and
Computational Complexity. Here we study the complexity of this problem in
the case of context-free languages. It is shown that, for unanbiguous context-
free languages such a computation is "easy" and can be carried out by
efficient parallel algorithms. On the contrary, for some context-free languages
of ambiguity degree two, the problem becomes intractable. These results are
related to other classical subjects concerning counting problems, exponential
time recognizable language and sparse sets.
- 25-88
- Semantical analysis of some (standard or non standard)
intermediate propositional constructive logics: maximality and
smoothness results
P. Miglioli,
U. Moscato,
M. Ornaghi,
G. Usberti.
- 24-88
- A theory of molecula structures in qualitative simulation
S. Bandini,
G. Cattaneo,
P. Stofella
The molocular onthology approach to the modelling of physical systems is
presented as a general theory to define molecular structures in a universe of
places endowed with adjacency relations. The computational model of the
proposed "Molecular Onthology Theory" is used in qualitative simulation.
The specific example of the qualitative modelling of the behaviour of liquids
will be presented in a bidimensional universe with a privileged direction of
- 23-88
- LOGIC: un interprete Prolog con una relazione di uguaglianza
L. Benassi,
M.P. Bonacina,
G. Fiori
- 22-88
- A typed calculus based on a fragment of linear logic
U. Solitro
- 21-88
- ProTalk: man-machine symmetry in Prolog
W. Vannini
ProTalk is a Prolog-based Prolog programming system whose task is
achieving full symmetry in man-machine communication. It creates an
environment ahere user and computer share a common communication
language. Each part can send and receive knowledge concerning the topic of
the dialogue, thus incrementally developing a logic program. Such knowledge
can either be expressed in intensive (rules) or extensive (facts) form. The
system can manage distinct databases (theories), which may be in
contradiction with each other. Open or closed world assumption can be used
in database, according to user's specifications. Non-monotonic reasoning can
be achieved either by switching from one database to another, or by adding
knowledge to the current one.
- 20-88
- Lectures on automated theorem
M.P. Bonacina
These notes report the contents of three lectures given by Prof. Jieh Hsiang at
Department of Information (Computer) Science during the first week of
September 1987. The firs lecture gives and overview of Knuth-Bendix
completion follow ing the proof ordering approach. The second one focuses
on Knuth-Bendix completion as a semidecision procedure and the third one
presents some rewriting techniques for the resolution style theorem proving.
- 19-87
- Progetto ALICE: definizione della parte funzionale
S. Costantini
With the aim of identifying a candidate formalism for the logic component of
the Alice system, in this report the programming language Logic is presented
and discussed. Logic is a hor-clause language with procedural reflection,
developed at the Comlputer Science Dept. of the University of Milano by G.
Ghislanzoni and G. Tornielli, supervisor prof. G. Degli Antoni, co-
supervisor L. Spampinato. Some examples of use of this language are
introduced, and problems related to the implementation of the interpreter are
examined. The general topic of the role of reflection in Logic Programming is
discussed, and the other possible extensions to the Horn-clause language are
outlined, mainly aimed at commonsense-reasoning and Artificial Intelligence
- 18-87
- Rappresentazione di metaconoscenza nei testi legislativi
R. Bertocchi
Law texts contain statements reffering both to real world situations and the
law itself. The latter type of norms express a kind of metaknowledge which is
formalized in logic terms by means of a metalevel extension of horn clause.
The integration of language and metalanguage enables a knowledge
representation resembling the law text structure and it reduces the amount of
rules to be represented.
- 17-87
- Formalization of norms in horn clause logic
R. Bertocchi
The concepts of permission, obligation and prohibition are usually
represented within a specialized deontic logic. In this paper it is developed an
alternative approch based on Horn clause formalism: the meaning of a norm is
expressed in term of the concepts of regulation, violation, sanction and
recovery. The concepts are formalized by a set of axioms that relate the
representation of the norms to the Event Calculus.
- 16-87
- OBJSA net systems: a class of high-level nets having objects as
E. Battiston,
F. De Cindio,
G. Mauri
In this paper, we define a class of high-level Petri nets, namely OBJSA net
system, in which:1) the net can be composed into state-machine components,
i.e. it preserves the main caracteristics of Superposed Automata (SA); 2) the
domains to which individual tokens belong are defined as abstract data types
by using the language OBJ2. For this class of nets two products (namely an
S-product and a T-product) are then provided for defining, respectively, the
S- and T- invariants as the first step for preserving in the resulting
specification language the possibility, typical of nets, of deriving properties of
the modelled system by using algebraic techniques.
- 15-87
- A theorem proving review for proof system based programming
M.P. Bonacina
This is a collection of tables intended to give an easy and quick consultant
review about automatic theorem proving. The list of tables titles gives the
review's contents:early forerunners, resolution based theorem proving,
equality reasoning, something about negation, term rewriting based,
equational reasoning, term rewriting based clausal theorem proving, term
rewriting based theorem proving
- 13-87
- Petri nets knowledge representation
M.P. Bonacina
In this paper a relationship between Petri nets and modal logic is investigated.
The research starts at the basic level for both formalisms: condition-event
interpretation for nets and propositional calculus for modal logic. Nets
provides the fundamental notions of case reachability between cases, which
are mapped into the corrisponding modal semantics notion of worlds or state
and accessibility. In the framework settled by corrisponding modal logic
mapples with anlogy , i.e. the study of nets' enlogic structure. Enlogy plays
such a fondamental role in general net theory foundations that being able to
capture enlogic structure by modal propositions lets the choiche of modal
logic look very promising.14-87First results of parallel execution of
sequential programs through communications o partial evaluationsby M.P.
Bonacina 9The basic definition of a mixed and partial computation are
rephrased and compared; next some of their applications are presented in a
concise and coherent formalism. Finally partial evaluation of Prolog programs
is viewed as theories specialisation and mixed computation is applied to the
concurrent processing of approximate data.
- 12-87
- An implementation of Knuth-Bendix algorithm
M.P. Bonacina
This is a report of an implementation of the Knuth-Bendix algorithm realized
by the autor in C language on a Macintosh at the Department of Information
(Computer) Science. The main concepts underlying the algorithm are briefly
sketched through the description of the implementation, oriented to give the
user a feeling of wath he or she can do with the program. For this purpose a
rich set of examples of runs is given. Finally the references provide
suggestions to the reader interested in knowing more about algorithm.
- 11-87
- Data-flow Knuth-Bendix algorithm as inferential engine on term
rewriting systems
M.P. Bonacina
Historical remarks and basic definitions about Knuth-Bendix algorithm open
this paper. The algorithms is presented as an inferential engine working on
term rewriting systems and a survey of its applications and extension is
given. A data flow Knuth-Bendix machine is speciefied through a top-down
modular analysis. In the appendix and early forerunner of Knuth-Bendix
algorithm is presented as a guarded command algorithm.
- 10-86
- TeX TRA: un linguaggio per passare da Nroff a TeX
L. Mazzei
This work presents an experimental system for text translation from Nroff,
the UNIX tex formatter, to TeX. The object is pursued by rendering the
effects, i.e. the semantics; of Nroff commands by means of a specification
language instead of verbatim translating commands or macros.
- 9-86
- A language to describe formatting directives for SGML
Le Van Huu,
E. Tirreni
SGML is a standard proposed by ISO for documents description based on
generalized markup technique. The formatting process of a SGML document
could consist in singling out markup elements and inserting formatting
directives into the document in accordance with the class of the markup
elements themselves, using a suitable map table. This paper will present an
implementation of an environment of SGML documents production,
emphasizing a special language, METAFONT, for the map table construction.
- 8-86
- L'algoritmo di Knuth-Bendix come motore inferenziale di
sistemi di riscrittura
- 7-86
- Presentazione dell'algoritmo di Knuth-Bendix
- 6-86
- Problemi di standardizzazione SGML e TeX
Le Van Huu
- 5-86
- L'evoluzione di text processing vista attraverso STPL (Standard
Text Processing Languages)
Le Van Huu
STPL is a component of the ISO Project called CLPT (Computer Language
Processing Text), oriented to defined standars relating to languages and
functionality for text processing activity, as defining the logical and physical
text structure, editing, formatting, storing and retriving, interchanging of
documents. In this paper we will present some of important STPL aspects
and analyse its main components, with emphasis on the standard SGML
(Standard Generalized Markup Language), a declarative markup language
which provides a coherent and unambiguous sysntax for describing document
- 4-86
- TeX and ISO/STPL standard
Le Van Huu
This paper examines the most important STPL aspects and makes a
comparison with those of TeX. An attempt to answering the question whether
TeX could be integrated with STPL is also included.
- 3-86
- Control model and management of a polluted aquifer
G. Crosta, D. Marini
In this papers we apply system theoretical methods to the modeling and
management of the Milano aquifer, which is pollued by halocarbon
compounds. The system we are dealing with is diveided into three main
subsystems:1) the aquifer itself; 2) the water distribution networks; 3) the
end users.Available data are declared to each physical process and worked at
by some method, which allows the unknown model parameters to be
identified. A data base is being created which shall contain all available
hydrogeological information. Computer programs we have developed allow
queries about all kinds of data. Application package have been written, which
can be used also by non-computer experts. We have thus to model a system
which is complex, as all environmental system are, and to design optimal
control strategies.
- 2-86
- Relazione finale dell'obiettivo METOD
- 1-86
- Funzione base di SFAX: una Software Factory su UNIX
G.Castelli, M. Maiocchi