Current course documentation
Courses at Stockholm University
DSV 1:5 - Logik och Modeller
DSV 2:2 - Program Language Theory
DSV 2:3 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence och Cognitive Science
DSV 2:6 - Operating Systems and Computer Communication
*:38 - Constructing knowledge-based Systems
*:50 - Abstract Machines and Formal Languages
*:51 - Programming Structures
*:52C - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence och Cognitive Science
*:54 - Object Oriented Programming
*:72 - Software Engineering, 3p
Specialization in Software Engineering
PV1 - Software Engineering, 3p
PV2 - Software Metrics, 4p
PV3 - Objekt-oriented Software Engineering, 6p
IS1 - Information systems development and CASE, VT96
Courses at KTH
2I1100 - Information systems and Databases
Specialization block in Software Engineering
2I1250 - Software Engineering, 3p
2I251 - Software Metrics, 4p
2I1220 - Informations Systems Development, Advanced course, 4p
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Last update Mars 13, 1996.